Yup. If the changes were purely convinence, I would say it was a brilliant move. Or if it was a HORRIBLE grind to get it in game and you had the choice of buying instead I would say it was brilliant (I buy my TRs, not grind for them, and am happy for the payment option but think its great there is a free option)
But when you can only get something for cash that impacts gameplay, thats harder to justify.
Then we can expect MOBs to be doing more damage on Elements, right? And this has nothing to do with some Casters being give Metamagic.
So then we should expect to see 300+pt Fireball.
All those poor, poor unguilded.
More grinding of Shroud for Resist items, Enhancement resets to pick up natural elemental resists, grinding for P favor, and everyone will have to be in a guild - and a top renown guild too.
Can't wait for the LFM's now! Must be in 80+ Guild to join and have "X" upgrade to join! Must show Airship with upgrade!
Name ONE thing you can ONLY get with cash. ONE........I'm waiting.........OH WAIT, FREE TURBINE POINTS......
K , besides that.....Name one thing you can get ONLY with cash.................name ONE thing in the DDO store that says an actual US Dollar amount instead of Turbine Points.
Your still thinking aren't you..........get back to me when you find something.........
Please link to screenshot or full HD video of airship complete with buffs and other toys to get in group.
Yeah, this type of failure equates to people who call others out for join dates on the forums. Its more of a failure in the person who tossed up the LFM though and not as much a failure in the system.
Neither stat will mean anything. Its just another number to wave around.
As has been stated there isn't a thing for sale in the DDO store besides turbine points that require cash. You can grind Turbine point and never pay a cent. So you are looking at either your HORRIBLE grin to get the TPs or paying cash for them, it's your choice.
LOL, most of you do get it. I have to keep reposting that cuz apparently a few people don't get it.
Fun? Grindings never fun. I'm vip and I have to grind renown, and other things. I even do the 100 favor grind now and then for the bonus TP's. Ya I've spent my 500 free tp's per month foolishly in the past.
Fun is what you make of the game. If you find my post showing how a guild can EASILY farm the TP's required for these large ships in just 1 hour per day for a month or 2, then you will understand. If you guild is DEAD set on getting the astral diamonds for free for the best ships. It can be done with a little work.
Not everything in every game is fun. Dying usually isn't fun, although sometimes it can be. Raid wipes aren't fun. Trying abbot 8 times in a row because the ice wand people keep messing up isn't fun. But it's things people do cuz of a GOAL they have. They sacrifice a little fun sometimes, to accomplish a goal.