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Thread: Stealth Nerf?

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  1. #1
    Community Member Neko-kun's Avatar
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    Default Stealth Nerf?

    Haven't seen a thread on this, (though i faintly remember one, but couldn't find it,) but the change to stealth where anything but assasinate breaks it seems highly debilitating to those that enjoy playing the game in a Metal Gear-esque fashion (AKA, you found, you ****ed.)

    Seeing as most attacks break stealth now, using a ranged weapon to "sound pull," using the impact of the ranged weapon to make monsters move near where it hits the ground (or other object) without being seen is less useful now, as you would have to get pretty far away to not be seen whilst doing so. The same goes for using "the sound of things breaking [to] attract monsters."

    Now, the server is down as I write this, so I might be only remembering that hitting destroyable objects (crates, barrels, halfling picnic tables) does this, but will provide an update once I get back on the Llama.

    Stealthers please comment. We know you're there.

  2. #2
    Hatchery Founder
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neko-kun View Post
    Haven't seen a thread on this, (though i faintly remember one, but couldn't find it,) but the change to stealth where anything but assasinate breaks it seems highly debilitating to those that enjoy playing the game in a Metal Gear-esque fashion (AKA, you found, you ****ed.)

    Seeing as most attacks break stealth now, using a ranged weapon to "sound pull," using the impact of the ranged weapon to make monsters move near where it hits the ground (or other object) without being seen is less useful now, as you would have to get pretty far away to not be seen whilst doing so. The same goes for using "the sound of things breaking [to] attract monsters."

    Now, the server is down as I write this, so I might be only remembering that hitting destroyable objects (crates, barrels, halfling picnic tables) does this, but will provide an update once I get back on the Llama.

    Stealthers please comment. We know you're there.
    Well, if you want to sound pull, now you can use the new noisemaker traps.

    Btw, I think ranged attacks always broke stealth anyway, so that's not any different.
    RedShirt / Roleplayer of Giant Slayers, Inc. on Thelanis, formerly Tharashk.
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  3. #3
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    IIRC in PnP any combat level action broke stealth like modes.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seikojin View Post
    IIRC in PnP any combat level action broke stealth like modes.
    In PnP almost nothing breaks stealth! Only if you directly attack an opponent by weapon or spell (including AoE effects, but not summoning monsters that then attack)

    That said, stealth in PnP is a much more fickle thing, as each individual opponent can have different listen and spot scores, and unlike DDO there's no way to predict what kind of oppoenents you'll encounter while stealthed. And being stealthed in PnP usually means scouting ahead, seperated from the party, and that makes you very vulnerable!

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    As a Ranger:

    Ranged attacks with bow or throwing Axe continues to break my stealth as it had before.

    Dual handed I was staying stealthed.

    I do not think I used two handed from stealth when running around yesturday....

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