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As a Guild Leader I have issues with a LOT of your suggestions here.
First off, having officers chosen by amount of renown farmed is a horrible idea (imo). Some people, like me, have no life, and therefor can farm untolds amount of renown. That does NOT make them officer material for a successful guild.
What makes someone "officer material" is their willingness and ability to help other guildies, solve problems, assist the leader with various tasks. They have to be able to be TRUSTED!
Now, in some guilds yes it doesn't matter who's what rank and so on. But in actual "organized" guilds, who is in a position of authority DOES matter and in NO way should be determined by their ability to "farm".
I sometimes ask a lot of my officers, and sometimes it includes them having more downtime than normal members. Talking over things with the officers on decisions about the guild, having them on the guild forums = out of game time. That imo, makes them great officers. NOT that they can sit on the game for 16 hours a day and farm a crapload of renown.
I do however, agree they need to bring in more guild ranks. I do like your ideas for the rank names, However, I wish the names would be customizable. Not every guild is going to want their ranks via "shipboard" terms.
The guild disband option. Sorry but that's a risk you take in the guild you are in. I think it should stay as is. If not the guild leader can just remove everyone from the guild and disband it that way. Cuz you cannot get rid of the remove member button. I for one do NOT want to get stuck with the bad apples that do make it into the guild. So you just have to trust your guild leader to not do that. Find a guild whose leader has morals, and values. If I ever decide to leave DDO, I will be talking with my officers, to see who wants the guild. I will not in any way punish the rest of my guildies because I decided to call it quits. That's just stupid. If you are worried about your guild leader potentially doing this, then you are in the wrong guild.