If this has been answered I apologize for asking again....
Example: If you obtain a GL 50 Airship and your renown falls below 50 do you lose the ship, or lose access to it?
If this has been answered I apologize for asking again....
Example: If you obtain a GL 50 Airship and your renown falls below 50 do you lose the ship, or lose access to it?
Argonessenn -Officer of Storm Shadow-
Olen Anteres
From what I understand you only lose access to guild reward that have timers on them (ie: crew members) but last I checked there was no timer on the airships
Thelanis - Sunky lvl 20 TR'd Rogue - Dorrfl TR'd lvl 20 Barbarian - Markoss lvl 20 Monk - Ormollien TR'd Arcane/Zen ARcher - Frodarick lvl 20 Artificer
Thank you. I was hoping that was the case.
Argonessenn -Officer of Storm Shadow-
Olen Anteres