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  1. #21
    Community Member MalakRevan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boromirs View Post
    Eh, maybe its better I do then. PvP for better or worse is the way of the future for MMOs, thats my opinion and a ton of other industry experts, fans, and others. Essentially the whole point of playing online is that you have the ability to interact with other players, and the ultimate in this is to fight thinking, adapting, and well human opponents.

    PvP just kicks everything up a notch in terms of immersion into the game,compeitition, and everything else.
    We are not saying you should quit DDO, just don't expect PvP to get a huge response here as most feel that it will take away from the development of the actual game itself which is continuing to evolve. I would rather see more of things like Shavarath with the additon of Archons, Demons, and more Devils than PvP oriented things coming from the devs, wouldn't you?

    I hate Kobolds!
    Quote Originally Posted by Boldrin View Post
    Don't ask questions you don't really want the answer to... What happens on Khyber...stays on Khyber.

  2. #22
    Community Member hockeyrama's Avatar
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    Don't get me wrong I am not a fan of PvP on DDO. The current player vs setup is horrible. YOu literally have to build a character to fight on a one on one basis and then he will do well there. The idea of DnD is that you should have a party and your character should contribute to the party. This is why you have clerics able to raise dead be able to raise everyone but themself. It is a game setup for a party.

    That is why i proposed it like a war. This way it more in line with DDO and DnD principles of characters working together against a common foe. The only difference is in this case that foe may be smart, adaptive and give you a real challenge and you can't just use the same tactic as he can adapt. Watching videos form DDo and playing you will see groups using the same strategies on many sections and the game has no way to counter these as the creatures are not human. However, a war with two groups of guild players would have to adapt to what the enemy is doing.

    Example: just having everyone pike around a fw is not going to work as the buffs will cancel it out or the other team will just throw there fw where you placed yours making you take damage everytime you try to get them to chase you.

    I think it will also be alot harder to keep clerics and wizards safe so they can AoE stuff as the other team will be going after your casters right out the gate.

    It should allow all tactics so the assassin rogue with his great sneak could walk right up to the sorc who is bombing everyone and assassinate him.

    I just see soo many ways this could be real fun and somethign for big group guildies to do.

    The current one on one PvP is nothing special so I understand people not seeing it as usefull. But a full out war with mass heals and blade barriers and FW all over the place might be a very fun and interesting challenge. It does not sway too far form DnD origins as there are many older modules where you had to join in a war usually by enlisting groups to help dwindle the forces down while you went on a special mission that turned the tide of battle but nonetheless a war was going on. So a guild fighting another over some gear and maybe some kind of ranking system or guild reward would be cool.

    I think many players would like this and not jus the few who PvP now. As it would have a team advantage it would be more like a normal adventure.

  3. #23
    Community Member Crann's Avatar
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    There are many popular MMO's that feature PvP. They also have huge issues balancing said combat and for the most part, it's just not that fun for most who have found their way here.

    I played Warhammer Online for its first few months of life, and let me tell you, it was the coolest thing I have ever seen. To be standing on the ramparts of a keep, looking down at dozens....even hundreds sometimes....of enemies crashing into your defenses, then raining death down on them until they bashed their way in, it was breathtaking.

    For the first few times that is. Then it was exactly the same thing, only it was one of two extremes. You were either rolling over much smaller groups, or you were being rolled over by much bigger groups. The level of enjoyment quickly faded, as there was very seldom any challenge, you were either winning with no effort, or you were losing with no chance of victory.

    DnD and subsequently DDO are focused on Player Versus Enviroment (PVE). There are many options available to give players of any skill level the chance to tailor their experiences to give them the challenge level they desire. It is never dependant on masses of other players being coordinated to provide enjoyment for your individual gaming enjoyment. I know that at anytime of the day or night, I can get online and have an enjoyable game experience, whether I solo quests, or find groups to join.

    The strength of DDO as an MMO is this focus on PvE......they will maintain their client base, and expand it as long as there are gamers who prefer the PvE experience over PvP. They, IMHO, are the best at that. If they begin to divert resources to expand the PvP aspect of the game, then not only do they risk losing out to more established PvP games, but they will also suffer a lack of developement (through diverted resources) in what is their main strength.

  4. #24
    Community Member Scythera's Avatar
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    One thing to say >.>

    ::: The ships aren't even out yet, and people are trying for more. Give them some time, jeez. Counting your chickens already, counting your chickens....

    Scratch that. Thought about it, and realized something.
    This Guild ship thing is relatively new. Or, to me it is. Sure, there must have been quite a bit of planning time, and Dev time. But, whatever happened to the thing that has been talked about for a while now, like, Half-Orc? >x3 I WANT I WANT I WANT!
    Last edited by Scythera; 06-08-2010 at 12:25 PM.

  5. #25
    Community Member hockeyrama's Avatar
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    I don't see it as a diversion of their resources. They are trying to make guilds important (their choice not mine). They have spent alot on trying to make guilds a big deal and want palyers to work on building the reknown of the guild. So to spend some development on a guild battle would be inline with what they are currently doing. It would not take away from their PvE development it might take away form other guild ideas as tehy are working on that area.

    Also, it does not need alot of development. Just need an option screen for a setup to allow the guilds to adjust how many players so both teams use the same number of players. Then it needs an entrance screen with a 1 minute count down timer the starts once both teams have at least 75% of the players they picked in (so if you said 20 players once 16 are in timer starts). Then from their you are teleported (or if a barrier option was used the barrier comes donw) to the main fight room and away you go.

    Would not require alot of development. The code would work the same as any they currently have. They could even pick an area they already have as the battle zone so they don't even have to come up with a new battle area.

  6. #26
    Community Member hockeyrama's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crann View Post
    There are many popular MMO's that feature PvP. They also have huge issues balancing said combat and for the most part, it's just not that fun for most who have found their way here.

    I played Warhammer Online for its first few months of life, and let me tell you, it was the coolest thing I have ever seen. To be standing on the ramparts of a keep, looking down at dozens....even hundreds sometimes....of enemies crashing into your defenses, then raining death down on them until they bashed their way in, it was breathtaking.

    For the first few times that is. Then it was exactly the same thing, only it was one of two extremes. You were either rolling over much smaller groups, or you were being rolled over by much bigger groups. The level of enjoyment quickly faded, as there was very seldom any challenge, you were either winning with no effort, or you were losing with no chance of victory.

    DnD and subsequently DDO are focused on Player Versus Enviroment (PVE). There are many options available to give players of any skill level the chance to tailor their experiences to give them the challenge level they desire. It is never dependant on masses of other players being coordinated to provide enjoyment for your individual gaming enjoyment. I know that at anytime of the day or night, I can get online and have an enjoyable game experience, whether I solo quests, or find groups to join.

    The strength of DDO as an MMO is this focus on PvE......they will maintain their client base, and expand it as long as there are gamers who prefer the PvE experience over PvP. They, IMHO, are the best at that. If they begin to divert resources to expand the PvP aspect of the game, then not only do they risk losing out to more established PvP games, but they will also suffer a lack of developement (through diverted resources) in what is their main strength.

    The difference is in warhammer the numbers were not equal or the groups not equal. If doen right DDO could eliminate that in many ways. They could make sure the number of players is the same (or very close). They could make the group have to pick a 3 level set (like 12-15 characters only).

  7. #27
    Community Member AyumiAmakusa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crann View Post
    There are many popular MMO's that feature PvP. They also have huge issues balancing said combat and for the most part, it's just not that fun for most who have found their way here.

    I played Warhammer Online for its first few months of life, and let me tell you, it was the coolest thing I have ever seen. To be standing on the ramparts of a keep, looking down at dozens....even hundreds sometimes....of enemies crashing into your defenses, then raining death down on them until they bashed their way in, it was breathtaking.

    For the first few times that is. Then it was exactly the same thing, only it was one of two extremes. You were either rolling over much smaller groups, or you were being rolled over by much bigger groups. The level of enjoyment quickly faded, as there was very seldom any challenge, you were either winning with no effort, or you were losing with no chance of victory.

    DnD and subsequently DDO are focused on Player Versus Enviroment (PVE). There are many options available to give players of any skill level the chance to tailor their experiences to give them the challenge level they desire. It is never dependant on masses of other players being coordinated to provide enjoyment for your individual gaming enjoyment. I know that at anytime of the day or night, I can get online and have an enjoyable game experience, whether I solo quests, or find groups to join.

    The strength of DDO as an MMO is this focus on PvE......they will maintain their client base, and expand it as long as there are gamers who prefer the PvE experience over PvP. They, IMHO, are the best at that. If they begin to divert resources to expand the PvP aspect of the game, then not only do they risk losing out to more established PvP games, but they will also suffer a lack of developement (through diverted resources) in what is their main strength.
    That's the part I don't get. What's with all the PvP hate? No one said you have to balance the combat for PvP. So what if wizards can disintegrate you with one hit? I say we let them! All the more challenge. Don't like having your rogue die in PvP? Tough. Advice? Don't PvP. I realise that DDO is a PvE game and that PvP is a small almost non-existent part of it. But aren't there guilds devoted to PvP? Don't you see people camping in the Tavern pits just waiting to kill people? The truth is, there ARE people who enjoy killing other people in-game.

    Some people complain about upgrading PvP because they want the Dev's to work on stuff they want implemented. Don't deny it! If you had a Paladin, don't you complain that Dev's always work on other classes but not yours? Don't you complain when they never implement the Search button in the AH? Don't you complain when Dev's release level 5 content when you want level 18-20 content?

    Just because you want stuff you're interested in implemented doesn't mean you can strike down other suggestions. PvP can't possibly break this game because it is optional. Again, there's no need to balance the classes, some classes just aren't meant for PvP. Would you pit a Wizard against a Rogue? Probably not. (Just an example, I couldn't think of any class match-ups that were appropriate.)

    PvP doesn't have to be a priority but a possibility. You can have you Search function, your PREs, fixes to game content, more higher level game content, first and THEN we can talk about PvP. Why does it matter so much if PvP was upgraded?

  8. #28
    Community Member hockeyrama's Avatar
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    Also, if it setup the way I stating then all the classes become more effective. In the example of a rogue vs a wizard. If the game play is the same as it is now then in a mass battle with paleyrs in a war type setting. The wizard will look like the king throwing out fingers and blasting away but since I said all play should be the same as PvE then the rogue who sneaks up and assassinates him will be just as effective to the overall battle as once he sneaks behind enemy lines he can assasinate wizard after wizard. It is a fort save and most wizard builds do not hav ethe fort. My elvel 15 rogue is already at 30 fort save against my assassination. how many wizard players can make that save even on a 30? I don't think alot would.

    So there is game balance if it done the same as game is now. Rogues can sneak, wizards can disentegrate you and clerics can raise you. Also, any game mechanics they would use their may actually improve the PvE game as well.

    Think about it if they can setup a war with 25 on each side, buffed and ready to cast and kill, and they get the way working fairly smooothly. Then that may help them figure out the lag issue for many situaitons in game.

  9. #29
    Community Member Rubiconn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boromirs View Post
    Eh, maybe its better I do then. PvP for better or worse is the way of the future for MMOs, thats my opinion and a ton of other industry experts, fans, and others.
    Do you have a link to an article that supports this idea?

    Quote Originally Posted by Boromirs View Post
    Essentially the whole point of playing online is that you have the ability to interact with other players, and the ultimate in this is to fight thinking, adapting, and well human opponents.
    This is one of the reasons I play DDO is to interact with other people not try an be the biggest bad*ss pk'er out there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Boromirs View Post
    PvP just kicks everything up a notch in terms of immersion into the game,compeitition, and everything else.
    I dont agree with this concept at all, I enjoy the interaction and cooperation involved in DDO that is why more adults play DDO vs children. Children have a tendency to want to compete with one another where adults tend to lean towards teamwork and cooperation in order to overcome a goal. Why do you think so many people are complaining about nerfs in the game, not because it affects pvp but because it potentially creates an imbalance between groups and their goals.

  10. #30
    Community Member Xeraphim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MalakRevan View Post
    No. Would make this game too much like Guild Wars, besides I cannot think of a really good reason to have this in game.
    Agreed. Waste of resources.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kriogen View Post
    If I want ship battles I can play EVE?

    Plus im sure DDO servers can't handle this. They allready have trouble with a single red chicken
    Agreed. Go play another game that gives you this excitement.

    Quote Originally Posted by MalakRevan View Post
    Last time I checked Guild Wars had a whole focus on PvP and Guild Battle, DDO does not and should not IMHO. That's not what DnD is about.

    Edit: If you want PvP type action like this join WoW.
    Or go play EvE Online. If you don't mind playing against AIs, try Sins of a Solar Empire. I like being able to speed up and slow down the gameplay at the press of a button.

  11. #31
    Community Member Crann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rubiconn View Post
    I dont agree with this concept at all, I enjoy the interaction and cooperation involved in DDO that is why more adults play DDO vs children. Children have a tendency to want to compete with one another where adults tend to lean towards teamwork and cooperation in order to overcome a goal.
    Couldn't agree any more with this.

    I was also extremely active on X-Box Live.....where it is more reactionary gaming skills.....much less cerebral activity involved....that dictate your success in the PVP world. It was also full of 12 year olds talkinging in languages that few truckers and sailors even use these days. I don't want DDO to atract that crowd, let alone detract from my enjoyment of the PVE experience by diverting resources away from their developement.

    I also couldn't disagree more with the statemwent made that it wouldn't be hard at all to write code for the guildship PVP option. I am not a programmer, but know a few. The consensus among them is that nothing worthwhile is EVER simple to write code for.

  12. #32
    Community Member CKeating's Avatar
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    D&D was a PvE based game and DDO shud be the same and if thay hold true to the game that basicly made them then it needs to stay that way. There are too many things wrong with the game already we do not and I repeat do NOT need more things that will have bugs (as all things do at the start) to take away from fixing the things that need fixing PvP in this game was added more as a tool of entertanment then a playing aspect of the game. You want PvP?? go get the free trial for WAR (Warhammer) and go play your PvP over there, you want PvE then play this. do not start asking for things that are not a problem or needed alredy.

    Ya you can have your PvP after we get out buggs fixxed, higher lvl quests, and class fixxes but if your PvP messes with the game so that PvP is more balanced then im done with this game and am writeing it off as another game failed becuse of a small player base that cant stop asking for more

  13. #33
    Community Member Scythera's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rubiconn View Post
    I dont agree with this concept at all, I enjoy the interaction and cooperation involved in DDO that is why more adults play DDO vs children. Children have a tendency to want to compete with one another where adults tend to lean towards teamwork and cooperation in order to overcome a goal. Why do you think so many people are complaining about nerfs in the game, not because it affects pvp but because it potentially creates an imbalance between groups and their goals.
    This is what I have been thinking from the beginning. Think of PnP. How many people do YOU (General, not towards Rubiconn despite the quote) know will sit there at a table and try to run a dungeon themselves? People in this game have made it just that, a game. Something to win. All I hear every day is about this new build, and that new combo. People are soloing constantly. It really annoys me.

    Why don't you try this, masses of DDO. Join a perma death Guild. Listen and OBEY every single one of the rules they use. Watch as the feeling of being a noob again consumes you.

    No offense to any who play PD on a daily basis. I just hate it when people lose the whole point of DnD.
    Last edited by Scythera; 06-08-2010 at 02:13 PM.

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