If one where to turn this into a 32 pt build what would you recommend for the stat spread?
If one where to turn this into a 32 pt build what would you recommend for the stat spread?
For a 32 point build would be:
Dex: 15
Last edited by stormarcher; 06-09-2010 at 06:10 PM.
Originally Posted by Tolero
Trumps your build, sorry.
From most of what i read splashing barb makes the build garbage
Also, with this build what skills are you focusing on?
Last edited by Xakan; 06-09-2010 at 07:10 PM.
ok, mr. un-informed
Warchanter pre: Adds extra rage, damage/att etc
3 rages total. Uncanny dodge x2, 10% faster running, Extra hp. Extended rage, +2 damage. +5 str initial rage.
Made popular by Gunga's "boomph" build.
Skills: Concentrate, jump, haggle, umd, balance.
Last edited by ragwa1; 06-09-2010 at 07:16 PM.
I had actually seen that build before. But isn't it highly depending on gear and tomb grinding
lol no. That was a common mis-conception and mis-interpritation of what alot of newer players THOUGHT the build needed. The OP added in tomes because he finds them, and stated that they are not needed, nor are the expencive gear listed, to be effective.
Tried, tested and true.
Last edited by Xakan; 06-09-2010 at 07:43 PM.
Your math is confusing you might want to check it. I also did not see where you are putting your ability points from levels.
For Strength you have 14 (+6 item,+2 tome, +2 rage, +6 titans grip clickie, +11 Knost's Belt + Encrusted Ring (+2 exceptional) ,+ 2 yugo pot = 52)
however these numbers appear to equal 45 (14+6+2+6+11+2+2)
For Dex you have 15 (+6 item +2 Enhancement = 27)
However these numbers appear to equal 23 (15+6+2)
For CON you have 14 (+6 Item,+2 tome,+2 rage= 26)
However these numbers appear to equal 24 (14+6+2+2)
I would also reconsider TWF, I have always thought it was a close call for Bards anyway but with the planned changes I think THF wins hands down.
Also, you have Improved and Greater TWF, both of which require a 17 base Dex. You do mention using a +2 Tome at level 20, but you are already showing the feats at 12 and 18. You would need to eat the Tome around lvl 11 to get those.