Currently we have

[Stop/Follow] [Come] [Aggressive][Defensive][Passive][Use][F1][F2][F3][F4]

I suggest we have this for hirelings:

[Stop/Follow][Come][Agg/Def/pass] [Close/Medium/Far][Use] [F1][F2][F3][F4][F5]

Thats one more hireling specific abililty (spell or ability etc)

Puts the behaviour mode on a 3 way toggle.

Adds a new button for distance behaviour, how far the hireling will stand from you. Close is like it is now, medium will stand about 20 foot away, far they'll stay 60 foot away.

Basically they wont move to be "closer" til you're that far away and when they DO move they move to a random location X foot away from you.