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  1. #1
    Community Member Xeraphim's Avatar
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    Jan 2010

    Default Monk System Troubleshooting and Brainstorm

    I would prefer this thread be stricly ideas, not "Do it my way!" posts.

    I want to see things balanced with the idea that Monks need to have DPS that compares to a Tempest Ranger, but doesn't quite measure up to the critical ability of other classes, since their fists hit harder than a Greataxe, at Tempest speed, at level cap.

    They are the dependable static DPS that never fails, but not the class that makes huge jumps in Raid Boss HP. Instead, they would be the steady pour that never stops.

    With that in mind, I want to brainstorm with the Devs on what to do about their Stances, PrE, AP costs, abilities, and just about everything else.


    1) Addressing Criticals: It appears the playerbase REALLY wants a way to beef up the Monk Critical Multiplier and Range, with the Multiplier being the hot topic. This is a topic that I very much want to keep out of the Stance discussion, to avoid making one stance "Teh neu Uber".

    2) Addressing Stances: Wind stance keeps Monks on Live equal to if not greater than Tempest IIIs, which I want to definitely keep alive. Tempest III has the option of x3 multipliers on their weapons, and Monks should hit more often to close the gap, if not have the ability to equip a ML 12 item to increase their critical multiplier(Unarmed Only, Monk Exclusive, Multiclasses cannot use). Fire stance is underwhelming, but a love of many new players. Wind stance is the speed stance and needs to stay that way(movement bonus with it would be nice too). Water stance is awesome for fights with lots of spells happening, and great for leaping through traps and soloing quests, but even so could use a little touch of love. Earth stance is only used when blocking in certain raids, and needs a serious adjustment before it becomes a viable combat choice. Void stance isn't even an idea yet, but would be cool to see.

    3) Addressing the 5 stat needs of the Dark Monk and the 6 stat needs of the Dark DEX/WIS AC based Ninja Spy, as well as the difficult balance implied to all Monks in relation to these issues. Some Dark attacks could be made a check other than CHA, but I would like to see some discussion as to avoid unbalancing the entire system with the 36 WIS Halfling Monk. Example: Falling Star Strike based on your CON modifier, or on your STR modifier, others based on WIS, one based on INT, etc. Monks tend to focus hard in CON DEX STR and WIS, adding CHA is just too much, especially if they have to start with INT enough for Combat Expertise.

    4) AP Problems - Currently a Monk can specialize in 1 stance, or if he sacrifices some HP or abilities, 2 stances. If he wants 2 stances and the special attack finisher, he will lose the majority of the rest of his Enhancements. Adding a Prestige Enhancement line to this already starved AP progression unbalances it to the point of breaking the Monk's potential at endgame, whereas other classes have the option of finishing their HP lines and taking their PrE with a good bit of AP left for Racial and Class stats.

    5) I want some Dev Opinion in here, but would really appreciate the players not flaming them. I know there are other threads out there for Monks, but they have dissolved into flamewar on how to overpower or break the class.

    For discussions about Shintao, go here.
    Last edited by Xeraphim; 06-07-2010 at 12:55 PM. Reason: Link to Shintao Discussion at the bottom

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