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So, there are a few changes coming down the pipe that directly affect Ferrumrym on his next life:
1) TWF off-hand attacks are reduced by around 20% with GTWF, making that style slightly less attractive than it had been, although it still remains pretty useful for a paladin as their bonuses dovetail nicely with the extra attacks.
2) Zeal has been changed from a flat 10% attack speed increase to a "double-strike" bonus, which is a chance to trigger an extra main-hand attack hook, which favors THF over TWF somewhat, as your main-hand damage is significantly higher when wielding a 2-hander (+100% Power Attack, +50% Str).
3) Glancing blows and the THF feats are being made to function with bastard swords and dwarven axes, which means for what appears to be a fairly significant boost to S&B damage. I've read some DPS calculations that seem to indicate that a S&B using a khopesh may still be ahead, but the numbers I saw were confusingly presented, and in such a way as to make ti difficult to plug in the numbers for scimitars to make that comparison.
So, with all of that coming down the pipe, I have to wonder whether I'd be doing my tank a disservice by not giving him GTHF and either bastard sword or dwarven axe proficiency instead of my plan of going GTWF and using scimitars.
Differences from the original build idea to the next highlighted in red.
Scimitar set-up:
Human Adaptability - some combo of Str, Con or Cha probably depending on where I need the boost
Human Healing Amp 10% (don't think I can fit in 20%)
Improved Crit
Combat Expertise
Power Attack
Fighter Past Life feat (+2 intimidate, +1 max Dex with armor, 3/rest clicky of +4 attack bonus)
Mineral II scimitar w/ +4 AC on it
Lightning II scimitar
Holy Sword scimitar used when TWF in conjunction with the Mineral II or Lightning II depending on situation
Bastard sword set-up:
Human Adaptability - some combo of Str, Con or Cha probably depending on where I need the boost
Human Healing Amp 10% (don't think I can fit in 20%)
Improved Crit
Combat Expertise
Power Attack
Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bastard sword
Mineral II bastard sword w/ +4 AC on it
Lightning II bastard sword
Lightning II falchion
Holy Sword Falchion (loss of +4 AC here means that the AC difference between AC mode and DPS mode will be greater)
Dwarven Axe set-up:
Dwarven Armor Mastery I (or II)
Dwarven Axe Damage I (or II)
Dwarven Axe Attack (I or II)
Improved Crit
Combat Expertise
Power Attack
Mineral II Dwarven Axe w/ +4 AC on it (already have)
Mineral II Greataxe w/ +4 AC on it (maybe) -- no Holy Sword for greataxes
Lightning II Dwarven Axe
Lightning II Greataxe
Hmm...oddly enough, TWF would mean less crafting, which is kind of backwards, and while part of me would want to make the decision based on that (after all, I still have nothing made for my capped barbarian, and nothing coming soon either, since all of my ingredients are being routed to crafting stuff for Ferrumrym's next life), but as he should be as strong an endgame tank as he can be, I feel like shortchanging his weapon choices in an attempt to save some larges would be shortsighted.
So I guess my questions are whether someone with better damage calc-fu than I could provide some numbers breakdown to show just what the differences in DPS between the 3 end up being, possibly accounting for a +4 bonus to-hit with the scimitars some of the time in epics, and I guess opinions in general.