exactly what it says, message here or send a tell in game to traeci/ulyssus/cateleno
exactly what it says, message here or send a tell in game to traeci/ulyssus/cateleno
As it says page 2 has been aquired, still looking for page 3
I have 1 3 4 7. happy to hook you up with 3 to complete ya for a 2/5/6/8. no idea if 3 is a more or less valuable page, if more throw in a sweetner sucker, if less......................nah nah...........even up!!!! hehe, let me know if ya need the hook up!
Last edited by Varr; 06-10-2010 at 10:40 AM.
Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.
Just got another page three. We chatted yesterday about me preferring a missing tome page to larges or plat. If you prefer to over pay, I could not refuse 2 large scales (3 large stone equate a scale also.)
still prefer the page for page, but I can imagine how being one short could drive ya crazy.
Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.