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  1. #21
    Community Member FrozenDonkeyWheel's Avatar
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    Another one I'll bet about 90% of all players have experienced....
    First time ever running Arachnophobia..... and failing within 30 seconds....

  2. #22
    Community Member Paryan's Avatar
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    Was doing icy runs on my ranger when she was lv 15 or 16....Group finished and reformed to do another run, but forgot to put feather fall item back on...

    It's a long drop to the floor in the sub, but at least picked up an explorer location...The laughs from the group were definitely worth the Doh! moment....
    Agro - Paryan, Pary, Parrii, Parriahh

  3. #23
    Community Member augie's Avatar
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    On my FvS doing the asteroids puzzle in the Abbot raid. Goes great, everyone done. Hanging around waiting for goggles to complete and accidentally hit Leap of Faith.

    Elite Raiders and Twilight Alliance guilds
    Journal of an Experienced Newbie - Level 1 thru 10 - (Melee)

  4. #24
    Community Member Jiipster's Avatar
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    How about finishing a very smooth Hard run of VoD, and doing the customary Good Luck /dance on the chest, only to realize to your horror that your traitorous fingers have for some reason written /death instead of /dance when you press enter?

  5. #25
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    in Threnal, 5 men, a little overconfident after some smooth running.
    Healers run out of spell points, on the way back to shrine team gets badly banged, a rogue barely escapes with the soul stones.
    Now the players has 2 cookies.
    *Rez the clerics and then rez me, i've got some mana pots*
    Magic is worked, i give the blue potions to the still bruised cleric (1/2 hp isn't it ?).
    Cleric drink and gets zap'd in a puff of smoke.
    The blue pot was of Wonder. Desintegrate.

  6. #26
    Community Member captainflint's Avatar
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    Unfortunately this little blunder affecting an entire HoX run, but is still hilarious in hindsight.

    Before I TR'd Wrathful he was a barbarian. I was very familiar with the hound raid, there were several new people in the group, and I was explaining several aspects of the quest. I don't have a mike, so I was typing. We zone in, and I keep typing but then stop to select something or other. The buffing has not yet begun.

    The next letter I typed was R. Unfortunately since my chat window wasn't active that meant that I shot straight forwards into the heart of Xizzy's lair before I knew what was happening. Metal crunching sounds ensued, and she proceeded to run around hunting down the rest of the group. It was most embarrassing.

  7. #27
    Community Member hockeyrama's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khanyth View Post
    Recently, after wailing away on the last giant in Prey on the Hunter, my camera angle was on it and the white dragon. I was rapid fire clicking and went from wailing on the giant to suddenly fighting the dragon. It worked out well in the end.

    Most recently, same quest, running up to the chest, I ran off the edge and had to redo the maze. I wish I could blame the lag.
    I am quite sure that many have done stuff like this and typed "lag" but when you see them do it again you have to wonder. I think this stuff happens more often and not. I see alot of people blaming lag but find it interesting that it always seems to happen just when they do somethign truly embarassing if there was no lag.

    I love the arachnophopia one as i am sure that almost everyone goes in a swinging and does not notice the break less then 10 part. I admit I made the mistake my first time.

  8. #28
    Community Member MastikFantastik's Avatar
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    I have a couple of them.

    The first one ended ok but it was on the Tempest Spine raid. The leader of the raid had made it a point that I disarm all the traps as we go along for the experience bonus, but the raid would not wait for me to do so and would continue along leaving me behind to find and disable the traps. Well was doing so and I would run up and join the raid when I could, well while I was working on a trap (s) right before the iron golem room the raid leader went afk for a rest room break and so did many others of the raid but I did not read the text as there was tells etc... flying through my screen. So I finished disabling the traps and ran up the ramp and right into the golem room and triggered the fight(s) with only me and a Favored Soul in the room everyone else out in the hall. We won the golem fight easy enough (yay for metaline weapons) then the door opened up and the others that were afk rushedin for the to remaining guys. Needless to say I felt like a moron for running past the raid and then triggering the fight.

    The second one was over the in game voice chat. The leader was giving instructions to the dungeon we were attempting and my other half was talking to me at the same time. Both of them finished at the same time and not realizing it I pushed the push to talk key and relied sure thing sweety. That got a laugh out of the group at least. The rest of the dungeon the leader (who was a good sport and which I did not know until that group) referred to group members in endearing terms.
    If god gives you lemons, find a new god! Or at least learn to like lemons.

  9. #29
    Community Member holfrar's Avatar
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    Was running 'Butchers' and wanted to get the +1 wis trinket from the last chest.

    got to the end and charged down the tunnel, 'adventure complete' comes up, i turn and swing at the boss.... but my mouse cursor is on the right edge of the screen so it 'clicks' on the ropes and i'm now outside.

    No worries i will just go back in.... oh i can't adventure complete.

    ok run it again, don't mind not bad exp.

    this time i get to the end and usher him out of the way of the ropes. he summons his dog. i kill the boss turn to kill the dog.....yup, clicked on the rope!!!!

    Right ok once more this time on hard so hopefully increase the chance of getting the trinket.

    Get to the end, kill him and finally get to open the trinket
    stuff this sold my loot and bought one from the AH.
    'Live Long, Play Longer'

  10. #30
    Community Member REALb0r3d's Avatar
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    Had just gotten my MS boots and loved them. Never used another set of boots.

    Had also just gotten my disintegrate guard +45 HP cloak.

    All I'm gonna say is you can't cast solid fog MS raged,
    and when puppies hit you eventually they proc disintegrate.
    Quote Originally Posted by REALb0r3d View Post
    Hi, welcome.
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  11. #31
    Community Member thoryndar's Avatar
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    Situation 1:

    Swapped Feather Falling Ring that I had been wearing for 13+ levels for Thelis's Ring.

    Cool! 175 SP!

    Raid runs into Sub, on our way to Hound.

    Forgot I now lacked FF.


    Situation 2:

    You know how in Delera's, I **THINK** part 3, you run around a corner that has a trap box on it, and you are ambushed by wights?

    So, as the rogue, re-running this quest for the third time, I'm getting tired of getting knocked around as I try to disable the trap, so I announce, on voice:

    "Hang on a second, so I don't get ten million guys coming on me."

    Say it out loud if you dont immediately understand.

  12. #32
    Community Member Halock's Avatar
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    First abbot raid, was standing on the ledge ( or so i thought ), quest starts, took a swim.

    Second oops moment, swim back up, get rezed, blink back down, swim back up, jump out of the water and hit rez, expecting to be bale to grab the side of the ledge, for some reason you cant, dead again, and there i stayed for my first ever abbot run.

    Found out you had to swim to one of the side ledges to be able to climb out in the interim though.

  13. #33
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    Last night after dying in Madstone Crater after freeing the final giant soothsayer I found out why my level 16 monk was being so squishy. . . I had my +6 con and +6 dex items off. After that things got much easier . . too bad we were nearly done with the entire quest.

  14. #34
    Community Member hockeyrama's Avatar
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    the one thing I like about these ones is you are seeing alot of experienced players who are making mistakes just like us newer players. Goes to show you noone is perfect.

    I remember seeing one but it was not my error but was funny. We pulling past the trap in Gwylan's Stand at the top of one of the stair sections where almost every group pulls. We had been shooting at alot of enemies and they were on there way.

    The leader was a ranger who had already shown some weird play says enough of this it is just too boring. He jumps down to confront all the stuff we had been ranging. He landed with about 3 minotaurs and 4 trolls surrounding him with more on the way. He lasted about 20 seconds before saying where are the heals?

    Cleric just laughed in mic and said "hey you wanted to go off to kill them all on your own so your issue not mine. We all going to wait and kill them here"
    He then said something like "you all are not a good group"
    Then he drops group.
    We laugh and have no trouble completing it without him.
    I was thinking he must have said oops when he realized he was completely surrounded with no support and that they hit hard. LIke oops, I zerged, can't handle it and going to die alone. maybe next time I go with group plan (na, he too arogant will keep on getting killed again and again).

  15. #35
    Founder Nysrock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyprine View Post
    in Threnal, 5 men, a little overconfident after some smooth running.
    Healers run out of spell points, on the way back to shrine team gets badly banged, a rogue barely escapes with the soul stones.
    Now the players has 2 cookies.
    *Rez the clerics and then rez me, i've got some mana pots*
    Magic is worked, i give the blue potions to the still bruised cleric (1/2 hp isn't it ?).
    Cleric drink and gets zap'd in a puff of smoke.
    The blue pot was of Wonder. Desintegrate.
    +1 for making me laugh at work.

    Best oops moment for me was while running Madstone. We had just completed the first(?) soothsayer and was running to the next cave. Unfortunately I dropped down a cliff too soon so instead of landing by the cave I landed in lava instead. ding

    Worse yet was the rest of the party acting like lemmings and running right off the cliff behind me. Even though we had to recall and restart it was so funny just had to laugh.
    ... a soldier,
    Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard,
    Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel,
    Seeking the bubble reputation,
    Even in the dragon's mouth.

  16. #36
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    Hiding from the gnoll cleric, waiting for the mephit summon to vanish.
    Should have guessed that mephits don't expire by the fifteenth one.

  17. #37
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    Part five of the Shroud.....two times I have accidentally hit either my Word of Recall or Teleport hotkeys by mistake....since then I have made both of those spells very hard to activate off my hotkeys

    Another time I got all super excited about pulling a +5 Metalline of PG quarterstaff on my monk......rush and went and bound and and realized about a day late my monk is a friggen DEX build! What is really annoying about it is I started a STR Build nuking melee Sorc it would have been great for

    I did manage to get that same sorc a +3 Silver of Pure Good Seeker +2 Greataxe off the AH for 250k gold today tho Should be a good enough temporary boss beater.
    Last edited by vVAnjilaVv; 06-15-2010 at 08:41 PM.

  18. #38
    Community Member Chris79's Avatar
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    Did my first adventure into the subterreane tonight, jumped down the hole saw some red glowing lights...'oooo pretty' go to check them out..... ZAP ZAP ZAP *ding*

    Dead 10 seconds into start of quest, a new record for me

    KHYBER: Drilltex WF Monk 20 (TRx2), Pyrric Human Wiz (20), Drilltor WF Wiz (20), Drillsworn WF FvS (18)

  19. #39
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    Running the Shroud the other week part 3 someone was struggling with the last 5x5 I think it was in the s/e. I'm talking on vc have you guys got it sorted out ?yea !they say i'm running there with a water, I hit barb sprint boost. In my mind I can see the puzzle solved so I pop the water in the fountain, the collective group voices in slow motion "noooooooooooooooooooooooo"! whoops says I.

  20. #40
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    Last night in VON2 I got hit with the hound acid breath that leaves that nasty DoT on you, so I'm trying to get my clicky acid resist item on to mitigate it, but instead click my bubble belt and give everyone water breathing. At least I didn't click that instead of feather fall in there

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