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Thread: s&b

  1. #1
    Community Member splinterx's Avatar
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    Default s&b

    So through all the posts and threads talking about the changes to twf and thf (nerf or balancing depending on your opinion) I was wondering if s&b has been affected at all. Also I was wondering if things are more 'balanced' is s&b now a viable dps option?

    Origonaly from Aundair
    Achtung Panzer
    Quote Originally Posted by Rameses View Post
    Seriously, Monks are not Barbarians. Really? I didn't notice.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009


    S&B got a buff by adding glancing blows to DAs and BSs when sword and boarding. Everything else was nerfed.

    But no, the gap wasn't closed enough to make it a viable DPS option.

    I really think they should make shields more useful. Give them a bit more AC, add threat generation to them, make shield bashing have some affects. Maybe allow them to stun (much shorter duration than stunning blow but a slightly higher DC), maybe some knockback as well.

    Also, although it would be a huge gameplay change, add a shield attack or two into the attack chain while attacking with a shield equipped to up dps a bit.

    I would even say allow them to raise your saves a bit.

    Anything to make them useful enough to want to have one, without making them good for outright DPS. increase DPS a bit, threat gen, defense powers and crowd control by implementing what I said and there would be good reason to consider a sword and board build.

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