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  1. #1
    Community Member dpadan17's Avatar
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    Mar 2010

    Default new build idea....your thoughts?

    I was thinking about making a Halfling 9 monk/6 fighter/5 ranger build. The 9 monk (dark path) for touch of death. Should be some good DPS The 6 fighter for kensai I and extra feats and HP, and 5 ranger for dex points, and rams might. I have started out already 3 monk/2 fighter. My progression would be.

    1- monk
    2 - fighter
    3-4 monk
    5 fighter
    6-11 monk
    12-15 fighter
    16-20 ranger

    My starting stats are

    str 12 +2 tome +6 item +2 enhancement +2 rams = 24 str/26 with rage
    dex 17 +2 tome +6 item +3 enhancement +adept of wind bonus = 30
    con 14 +2 tome +6 item = 20 (plus racial toughness/fighter toughness is nice for hp
    int 10 +2 tome +6 item = 20
    wis 16 +2 tome +2 enhancement +6 item = 26 wiz
    cha 8 +2 tome + 6 item? (dump stat)= 16 cha (not concerned about this)

    balance/concentration would be maxed as well as spot being high. UMD not needed for me for being lawful good, i already have some nice wraps from my other pure monk.

    What do you think? I have taken dodge, mobility (given), toughness, power attack (coming next feat), weapon finess, weapon focus (bludgeoning), and i will take the ITWF, GTWF (at lvl 15), and I will have more toughness splashed in.

    With the wind stance. I will still have 420+ HP before false life items. Saves will be up there and such.

    Any pros and cons? let me know some critiques. I would love all feedback. I took ranger 5 for spells. Should be fun. Just hoping the nerf doesn't hurt it too bad.
    Sprulok TR 20 dark monk/ Spruloki lvl 20 TR'd Exploiter / Magnetik "aka Miss Piggy" TR'd 12ftr/6rgr/2monk/ tank / Trixxii lvl 20 TR'd light monk/ Bllaak Stabbath lvl 20 tr'd assassin/ Axetress lvl 14 juggernaut Zenaidemule --------------- Ghallanda server-------------Officer of the Captain's Crew

  2. #2
    Community Member Skull_49's Avatar
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    Oct 2008


    if you already have a pure monk then you should know a dex or str or mixed monk should be able to end up with over 500 hp in wind and have more dps than this mixup of classes 5 ranger is unnecessary if you want a dps monk i assume your capped one is dex based halfling or human.... you should try a str based human for dps monk
    MR.Skull 6th life The origional 18fighter 2monk
    Argo home of the true winner of ddo.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Mar 2006


    I think 6 Ranger's tempest would add more to a mixed build than a rank of Kensei. That kind of throws the Fighter levels out of the window because the extra feats are just not needed.

    Monk is just one of those classes that loses too much from multiclassing. Monks have enough feats, great class feats, and their weapon upgrades itself as you level.

  4. #4
    Community Member dpadan17's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Syntax42 View Post
    I think 6 Ranger's tempest would add more to a mixed build than a rank of Kensei. That kind of throws the Fighter levels out of the window because the extra feats are just not needed.

    Monk is just one of those classes that loses too much from multiclassing. Monks have enough feats, great class feats, and their weapon upgrades itself as you level.
    good point. the reason i did it this way was for the bonuses in str. that this way it is a dex based monk with weapon finesse but also ending up with a 26 str....should be fun to try. if not....a few tweaks here and there, and whala, a good machine. She is kicking butt at lvl 6 already. A good soloing toon. I like the fact of the high hp's (135 at lvl 6) and the high AC. A 34 self buffed ac with a 36 if around a paladin and 37 if hasted. She does quite well. thanks for the input.
    Sprulok TR 20 dark monk/ Spruloki lvl 20 TR'd Exploiter / Magnetik "aka Miss Piggy" TR'd 12ftr/6rgr/2monk/ tank / Trixxii lvl 20 TR'd light monk/ Bllaak Stabbath lvl 20 tr'd assassin/ Axetress lvl 14 juggernaut Zenaidemule --------------- Ghallanda server-------------Officer of the Captain's Crew

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