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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Wiz/Cleric

    Thinking of making a wiz/cleric build. With Wizard as my main class.

    Why? Because when choosing the 1st level of the other one I will gain more spell points than regular pure leveling.

    What I don't know is:
    what level of wizard do you gain level 9 spells at?

    if I multiclass from wiz to cleric do I lose my wiz spells? and same when I go back to wiz from cleric will I lose my cleric ones?


  2. #2


    no lost of spells, but lost of spell power, though, only one level is that bad.

    Wizards (and clerics for that matter) get 9th level spells at 17, if pure.
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  3. #3
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    if you go wiz19/clr1 you loose +2 int and the -1sp per metamagic feat used
    the cleric levels gives way less sp then that

    so it would be a stupid split

    the cleric19/wiz1 on the other hand is abit better for casting purpose as you get an extra metamagic feat, though here the capstone is nice too
    Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Nezichiend's Avatar
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    Wiz/ clr = gimp.

    Clr/ Wiz = unorthodox but also good.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Nezichiend View Post
    Wiz/ clr = gimp.

    Clr/ Wiz = unorthodox but also good.
    wands for WF, arcane wands in general, and extra metamagic feat. I didn't know about the Wizzy capstone. THe cleric one is ok, but I think the cleric/Wiz is the better choice.

    On a side note, my WF cleric falls under cleric/wizard mix. It works nicely for him.
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  6. #6
    Community Member Nezichiend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post
    wands for WF, arcane wands in general, and extra metamagic feat. I didn't know about the Wizzy capstone. THe cleric one is ok, but I think the cleric/Wiz is the better choice.

    On a side note, my WF cleric falls under cleric/wizard mix. It works nicely for him.
    Yes Clr 19/Wiz 1 is good.

    You could maybe even go Clr 18/ Wiz 1/ mnk 1 since 19 lvls of cleric is pretty useless (cept for sp)

  7. #7
    Community Member diamabel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bloodyjester View Post
    Thinking of making a wiz/cleric build. With Wizard as my main class.

    Why? Because when choosing the 1st level of the other one I will gain more spell points than regular pure leveling.

    What I don't know is:
    what level of wizard do you gain level 9 spells at?

    if I multiclass from wiz to cleric do I lose my wiz spells? and same when I go back to wiz from cleric will I lose my cleric ones?

    In D&D (3.5) there exists a prestige class called "mystic theurge". Theoretically it allows you to go Cleric x5/Wizard x5/Mystic Theurge x10. Which in turn would give you the spellcasting abilities of a level 15 cleric and a level 15 wizard at the same time.

    But this is DDO and DDO has nothing like the above mentioned. Making an even leveled cleric/wizard will gimp your character severely (The only way you could level that one would be with the help of very good RL friends or by multiboxing). On the other hand taking only a little splash of wizard or cleric will not hurt too much, but you will have to live with a slight handycap:
    1) lose access to the capstone
    2) spell resistance checks are tied to the caster level
    3) Saving throw difficulty checks are tied to the grade of the spell and your prime ability score (intelligence for wizard and wisdom for a cleric)
    4) spell effects are tied to the caster level
    5) spell durations are tied to the caster level

    As already mentioned a cleric x19/wizard x1 will grant you an additional meta-magic feat and you can use arcane wands without umd.
    On the other hand a Wizard x19/cleric x1 will allow you to use divine wands without umd. Clerics get the feats to use armours. But this will only be useful for an elven or drow arcane caster with the "arcane fluidity" enhancements and some rare armours and shields with mithral and twilight properties to reduce the arcane spell failure to around 5%-10%. Theoretically you could make a similar splash with a warforged arcane caster too (they should have access to similar enhancements as elves/drows).

    To your other question. You will have access to all spells according to each of your caster levels. A char with caster1 x19/caster2 x1 will have access to 1st to 9th level spells of caster1 and access to all 1st level spells of caster2. The 1st level spells of your minor caster class will only be useful on low levels. With an insanely amount of luck you will even successfully land one of those 1st level spells on a monster in a high level quest. But that's not very likely to happen.

    As was already said. clerics and wizards get their 9th level spells with level 17. If you want to have access to the highest level spells you should train your primary caster class to at least level 17.

    p.s. one of my favourite multi-class combinations from 2nd edition AD&D was the cleric/mage (even despite the drawbacks it had). But I have given up hope to see that again in a current computer game implementation.

    corrected some wrong informations
    Last edited by diamabel; 06-07-2010 at 01:41 PM.

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    Thanks for the advice everyone very very helpful

  9. #9
    Community Member diamabel's Avatar
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    In addition here comes a small list of reasons for multi-classing:

    1) get certain class feats for free (depending on the chosen classes)
    2) get bonus feats (depending on the chosen classes)
    3) get access to certain class related skills (depending on the chosen classes)
    4) raise the maximum attainable rank of a skill (depending on the chosen classes)
    5) get access to certain class related enhancements (depending on the chosen classes)
    6) get some more hitpoints (depending on the chosen classes)
    7) get access to certain class related spells (depending on the chosen classes)
    8) get more skill points on levelup (depending on the chosen classes)

    Even if I'm repeating myself too often. You will have to live with the consequences of your decisions.

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