Well imo Tempest was broken in the first place . its not logical a first tier pre to have so much power like 10% alacrity which paladins have to reach (if i remember right) 14 lvl and the fighters 20lvl. Not mentioning monk that need to reach 18 lvl so as to get grandmaster air.
Tempest I also when it was released if i remember right rangers were not invited to parties because they had lower dps . So tempest I pre released which was a big overpowering mistake that broke other classes so for that reason Devs had to give alacrity to Fighters, Paladins , Monks.
Tempest I pre is like the firewall spell and its snowball effect all over again ....
They only reason that they didn't nerf tempest I when tier II and III was released was because there were no respecs.That had to be done to tempest and this was a chance for devs to do it by nerfing also everyone else .
As you all mentioned there was a serious DPS advantage to take 6 ranger in the 95% multi class DPS builds and that makes the PRE broken and overpowering. No other PRE was so powerful like tempest I .
I don't believe that 6 lvl rangers multi are dead cause you gain free feats and viable ranged combat which makes the hybrid more versatile .
PS.1 I still dont agree with the twf and thf nerf as a whole.
PS.2 And yes ofc you can neg rep me :P .... , after all I'm telling the truth....