The problem is that the spell doesnt translate well to DDO. First of all, anyone able to cast tensors already has str, con and barkskin items/potions that rival, if not exceed the spell. So much for making you stronger and tougher.
Second, tensors only lasts for one encounter in pen and paper, and would usually be cast near the middle to end when the caster decided his remaining spells were of little use. This never happens in DDO, as tensors will often last for 10 or 20 encounters (especially if extended, in which case literally hundreds of monsters die before it goes awa), and casters that have one usefull spell for an encounter can use up the rest of thier spellcasting resources on that spell, rather than having half their power stored up in knock, teleport, locate object, or other combat-useless spells.
Third, there is a lvl 4 divine spell that is easily available in clickie and UMDable scroll form, which lacks the major penalty of tensors, and even has a BETTER strength bonus (one which is actually usefull until about lvl 13 when most characters get their first +6 str item).
Having doubled spell casting costs simulates the penalty of this spell quite well, without making the spell complete garbage. IMO, the stat bonuses should also be made exceptional bonuses (perhaps dropped to +2, so they dont stack with tod rings/GS weapons), and the casting cost upped to triple. This would make the spell worthwhile, and casting under it's influence a very painfull experience. As a bonus, it would only be available to lvl 11+ casters, or UMD characters, and not everyone (and their dog) would carry 8 rings of 5x day tensors.