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  1. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by Seikojin View Post
    I would suggest PMing that to Eladrin.
    Gonna see if I can sneak this and some other questions in the conversation when I see then on Thursday, after we win the contest^^
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  2. #42
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    My opinions about guild amenities so far.

    A) They seem pretty good so far (as in useful).

    B) The limited time is lame. Both for slotting and for having to run back and 'touch' the buffer. It's not going to add to the game, just take away. It's just not fun to run around to get ready to quest.

    C) Not thrilled about the apparent TP > plat bought amenities for the same guild level.
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  3. #43
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    Well Ive done alot of MMO's with housing one of the most successful ones ive seen was Star Wars Galaxys. in this you could place anything in your house storage etc. Maint was paied on the house and you could bank money into the house to ensure it remained paid for and open. Now the whole keeping paying for this stuff seems a lil funky to me and Id bet there will be no perma items of this type except for rare trophys captured on raids n such. DDO store will prolly sell long term extensions for these items (good way for them to make money not that I agree with it at all). However this screams out that guilds will start charging dues etc. For the most part however I see it as something to work twoards I would however think that they need to make it so guilds can pay for this stuff well in advance of one month.

    I can recall paying for my houses in other games for at least a year in advance if not more. This made it something I didnt have to worry about at all and when I got a lil message warning me of the funds i paied getting low i was able to go dump more in. I think extending that time and droping the overall cost of these things will make it alot more popular with players and seem less of a hinderance or annoyance to have and more of a benifit.

  4. #44
    Hatchery Founder
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    I'm liking the airships so far.

    I think the temporary slotting is to introduce a new money sink into the game. Most high level people have tons of plat on multiple characters, so this is a way for them to spend some of that money.

    Prices don't seem too bad so far, though I imagine the new plat standard is messing up my notion of how much something is.

    All of the guild airship options seem to have a decent use so far, and I can really see a guild using it as a central hub to do things.

    Now if they could just do something about that evil, frame-rate killing, wind.
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  5. #45
    Founder Jaxom_Faux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coldin View Post
    Now if they could just do something about that evil, frame-rate killing, wind.
    But i enjoy the feeling of traveling at ludicrous speed and picking small birds out of my teeth >8P
    DISCLAIMER: All posts made while half-asleep, effected by touch(work) of idiocy, and off the top of the head... unless explicity stated otherwise :P

    Lone wolf of The Order of the Wolf

  6. #46
    Community Member
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    It has to be temporary slotting because a high end guild can just sell off their augments for money by having a non-guilded person join to buy them then having that person leave with it permanently in their armor.

  7. #47
    Community Member KillEveryone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by R0cksteady View Post
    It's meant to be a plat sink. It'll drop auction and selling prices significantly.
    I don't think this will actually happen.

    Large scalse and stones are still going to go for that large amount of plat. Other ingrediants for other rituals will still go for large amounts of plat.

    Certain weapon types with certain stats are going to still go for large amounts of plat.

    Certain items with +6 enhancements or heavy fort will still go for large amounts of plat.

    This may be a plat sink but people are still going to want to pay for this stuff and knowing the rariety of things like a Silver/metaline kopesh with holy or pure good or with lawfuil/evil outsider bane/construct bane/etc...the market will still have this stuff.

    Yes, these things listed are rare items but that is what makes up most of the crazy prices. There are other items that also get out of hand but they will still be out of hand because people are trying to get what they think they can get and others that don't know better are buying that stuff so people continue to post crazy prices and others see that crazy price so they post at a crazy price...
    Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.

  8. #48
    Community Member KillEveryone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    No, prices will crash.

    Currently there is no use to the vast hordes of platinum anyone with a few level 20s has acquired. So plat is valueless. I'm surprised people are willing to sell good items (like, say, a Bloodstone) for platinum at all, much as noone in the real world would sell their car for sand, no matter how much sand you offered. Large Devil Scales and Flawless Red Scales are the currency of this game, not platinum.

    Now people will want plat. The Bloodstone will still be worth the same amount in trades (~1.75-2 Large Devil Scales on Khyber prices), but platinum will be more valuable, so that Bloodstone may well sell for 200k PP instead of 600k.
    I disagree. I think people will start to get real greedy so that they can pimp out their trailer in the sky.
    Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.

  9. #49
    Community Member Therilith's Avatar
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    Does anyone know if the resist shrines stack with the resist spell? If so, does that mean we will see level 1s with 30 resist and level 20s with 60 resist?

  10. #50
    Community Member mjrepro's Avatar
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    So far on the DDO-Daily guild I checked out how much it costs to purchase the buffs and it was 1.3k Plat for three days worth of rent. If you bought another and used it on it, it would extend it by a week, and so forth until it got out to 30 days.

    This system allows you to change up your choices (because there are quite a few of them) and does not cost too much. Hell, 30 days of a buff so far is under 1/4 a loot run, so I am fine by that.

    I assume the cost will go up as you get higher ranks, but it isn't like it feels like a robbery.

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