Hmmmm as a single person Guild a large plat sink will be kind of painful...
Even though I run 6 active toons I tend to spend plat as fast as I get it for twinking, crafting ingredients etc...
While this will improve once I have them all capped its still relatively slow going to get large amounts of plat (the fact I work full time & my peak playing times are in the US downtime doesnt help)...
So I could end up with some very spartan Guild housing...
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Yes, like any other Minimum Level or Race restricted Item item. However Race Restrcitions you usualy cna overcome via UMD, the Guild Minimum Level you can't overcome. Pulled a Vapor Greataxe with a Guild Slot, and even as I have the right Race and level I can not use it at all as it stay red due to the Guild Level.
I would love to be able to use it without the Augmentation but well, no way, and as long as we not get free Guild Points on Lama Land it will take to long to reach Guild Level 45 to test this out.
Guild slotted weapons should be useable unless that's also lowering the ml. You just wouldn't be able to use the slot.
Are they going to add a guild tax or tithe feature in, with a guild warchest to allocate to upkeep?
(Reference Warhammer Online for a similar model)
Since there is a way to donate gold to the guild airship bank account - i would guess there will be an account for donating gold for the amenities.. or perhaps the bank account will be a shared account that can be accessed in order to purchase amenities with the money donated by the players.
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why do you turbine feel these guild ship add ons need to be tempory i dont and many others dont understand the reasoning
why not make them permenant but with the ability to be changed.
if you buy an crafting alter for the ship and place it on a point let it stay until the guild leader or whoever is appointed changes it with a construct and a deconstruct command sure making these expensive would make sence.
making an alter that lasts a few days at an enormus cost is pointless. guild housing where a chest must be purchased every week or so makes no sence (you bought a ship but rent a box for your stuff)
ships should come with guild bank slots bigger ships should have more bank space.
having basic things that dissappear every few days is dumb
allowing for a combination of the two ideas why not have a much more expensive version of a paticular item be permanent this way you dont have to program a deconstruct feature guilds could try features and when they found the right ones for their needs buy the permenant versions this way while building and growing they can try many different combinations and on the last upgrade to the guilds final ship they can add permenant features
Last edited by redgod; 06-07-2010 at 08:37 AM.
Former EU Boldrei/Keeper - Thelanis since April 2010
Wailin L20 Bard - Luglynut L20 Sorc - Cromity 12Rgr/7Pal/1Mnk - Lugnutter (Currently levelling)
So far looks good, the augments and the crew buffs are along the lines of hirelings and house buffs.
The chest may not be affordable for new characters, but then again the whole airship thing is(may be) beyond the scope of low lv characters.
(or to anyone without a high level toon of course, 125k gp is no plat sink at all at higher levels).
But strength is in the numbers, and since new players would also get the most benefit it stands to reason that it must be a shared effort.
As for one man guilds the cost would be 4200 gp per day, which is less than the profit from using a haggle toon with the regular shared bank.
(or by good old mail, which is poorman's shared bank)
A haggle toon may be a bother but is a very good and widely used way to save gp.
Anyways one man guilds typically have multiple toons so haggle shouldn't be an issue.
the enormity of the cost to maintain alters outside of the shroud makes it more cost effective to wait and just run the shroud
shops auction houses and transportation are not now an inconvience running to your ship to go somewere else is no different than just running their to start with
high level guilds and guild leaders for the most part have bank toons established for guild use having an extra 20 slots at giant prices is barely an improvement
if these additions were permanent and guild banking was of addiquite size i would agree with you but as of its current state its not worth the investment
that said im all about bragging rights and my ship will be bigger than yours and test dummies are sweet
No, prices will crash.
Currently there is no use to the vast hordes of platinum anyone with a few level 20s has acquired. So plat is valueless. I'm surprised people are willing to sell good items (like, say, a Bloodstone) for platinum at all, much as noone in the real world would sell their car for sand, no matter how much sand you offered. Large Devil Scales and Flawless Red Scales are the currency of this game, not platinum.
Now people will want plat. The Bloodstone will still be worth the same amount in trades (~1.75-2 Large Devil Scales on Khyber prices), but platinum will be more valuable, so that Bloodstone may well sell for 200k PP instead of 600k.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
Why I am hoping Llama preview will work and good feedback given for these timeframes/durations.
And as far as the e-store, IMO, it can sod off. But it is part of our new business model and we should expect unique items to be sold in the store that we cannot get anyplace else.
Just remember, buyer beware.
Bug template! QA is here for you.
How random DD is
how to handle this random, anywhere
Sarlona: Seikojin, Toy