Hi everyone! Episode 170 of DDOcast is now ready to go - here's a LINK to the episode - just left-click to play, right-click and 'save as' to download as an mp3.
This week's show features guests Samius and Steiner-Davion along with callers on our live Ustream chat! We discuss the latest news, including Lotro's game-changer, Update 5 on Lammania and more. Ryz has a second excellent "OCD Gamer" in which he discusses inventory, Rheebus has part 2 of his Top Ten Easy Loot Runs on "Rheebus' Top Ten" and Alex chats about enhancements available to both monk paths in "Inside the Monestary." We also have the third and final part of our DDOcast Poster contest! Thanks for listening.
DDOcast Episode 170 (6-5-10)
:05 Introductions 4:50 Downtime Notice
6:00 Lotro Goes F2P
15:00 First Call - Dice Talk
27:15 Guild Changes/Airships Chat
37:30 New Quests, Spoiler light
42:45 More Update 5 Stuff
1:33:30 Europe Status/More Update 5
1:18:30 Rheebus' Top Ten - Top Ten Loot Runs Pt. 2
1:33:27 Morah Goes Missing - DDOcast Poster Contest Pt 3
1:41:16 OCD Gamer 2 - Inventory
1:48:07 Inside the Monestary - Enhancements for both paths
1:54:40 Community Notes, Emails and More
TOTAL TIME: 2:08:44
LINK to the announcement about LOTRO going Free to Play.
LINK to the Update 5 Release Notes from Lammania.
LINK to the Turbine preview of Update 5.
LINK to new Turbine shots of airships.
LINK to Jay203's writeup of Guild Augment Slot properties.
LINK to GamePro.com's article about LOTRO's F2P switch, including the figure that DDO is 8% of the audience.
LINK to the 18th Eberron Chronicle.
LINK to Rheebus' Bloodstone run video.
LINK to the excellent DDO WIki article on Update 5 Guild Renown (a screenshot of 'em all).
LINK to Holger's airship info (cost, etc) on DDO-Daily.com.
LINK to the Massive Online gamer spot for aiship screenshots.
LINK to the DDO-Daily article on collectibles.
LINK to the DDO-Daily screenshot contest for Turbine Points!
LINK to info on a meetup being organized by Mopsforthewin around Otokon this year.
LINK to the latest DDO Store sales.
LINK to the care package effort being organized to help DDO players through their military deployments.
LINK to the DDO Cocktail Hour Episode 16.
LINK to the latest Yak Cast, which includes a DDO segment by JackLee.
Here's the fronts and backs of the two letters Morah sent in this week's DDOcast Poster Contest to Stormreach Action News:
This week's show includes our last puzzle sketch needed to solve the contest! If you've figured out what to do, you'll know that your time is coming to win!
Here's the rules: I'm be doing a series of sketches and offering up someprizes for people who solve the puzzle! This contest will be open toanyone except for DDOcast contributors, and will require that youdownload the U.S. client for Dungeons and Dragons Online.* Otherwise,be the first person to use the emote /kneel in front of the person whosename will be revealed, on the right server and at the right time anddate and you'll win this:
Also,1500 TurbinePoints. Neat, huh? A real collectors item.
The second person to type /kneel in front of the person willget1500Turbine Points*. Third person to do this will get 1000 TP.
*European Serverplayers who wish to have their Turbine Point winnings exchanged for agame time card will be able to do so. The intent is not to take playersaway from any particular server or service, but for simple logisticreasons. The exchange offer is for European server players only, as Idon't have the money for U.S. game time cards as well. The use of theemote /kneel while targeting the proper person is to deal with anysituations in which multiple players show up at once. In that case, thefirst /emote listed in the social panel will be used to determine thewinner.
You can hear the sketches separately on DDO-Daily.com. Here's a LINK to Part 1 and here's a LINK to Part 2.
Arovin's burning grease!