I wouldn't recommend soloing.
On my CC Bard I have epiced, with hold monsters, as well as fascinate of course, main healed, and done elite raiding. No, I don't belong to power guild, so solely pug raids/epics - although often with good guilds. Being a CC Build can be a little hit and miss (although I am sure the OP is aware of this) but I back this up with very solid healing and the build is very... ENJOYABLE.
I haven't run into any issues whatsoever on epic, but I haven't played the desert quests and I am not extensively experienced.
Yes, I believe a dps war chanter would be better (nowhere have I said they wouldn't), but a CC(and by association healer) build is perfectly viable.
The argument (not that there is any) about CC Spellsinger vs Melee Warchanter vs Generalist is actually totally irrelevant to this thread, because the OP was quite clear about what he wanted...
Note that in current game, with any class you can probably say a dps build is generally optimum.
Last edited by BoBoDaClown; 06-11-2010 at 01:49 AM.
Server: Thelanis
Guild: Fallen Immortals
Toons: Soza, Sozz, Sozza, Sossa (bards)
I'm trolling? Read your replies to this thread. Then read the ops original post, read what he wants, why he is TRing. Then ask yourself, will this tr achieve the ops goals of being something more then a 2nd line debuffer, healer type. I didn't think so. I spoke to that. You left trollish one word responses, then contradicted yourself sir.
I asked questions... I think you have this one wrong.
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Don't take the criticism personally. I think people learn through dialogue.If Bards are multi-tasking in game, it certainly isnt with your Bardbarian :P
Thanks for the -27 rep. I was at 0 this morning. Keep your groupies comin![]()
Last edited by lOprahl; 06-11-2010 at 03:36 AM.
Did you actually read this thread, what I wrote? I think you all slap the word trollish on any comment that you cannot understand.
Stop squabbling over your personal oppinions on this thread. make a new one. thanks.
btw, the way I would do this build mainly is invis/fascinate a group of mobs, throw out some holds, if something saves from fasc (rolling a 20) I can throw some spells at it and have more than just fascinate to rely on for CC. A melee bard is just boring to me, I've played 3 different ones, and all of them are just "meh" I'm doing this build, because its something More versatile. and people are ignoring a few things from the posts I've been reading.
Spellsinger song is +1 to EVERYONES Dcs not just my own, so those CC specc'd sorcs/wiz's are even better when effected by the songs, Healers in raid use 10% less SP to heal and when they are running metamagics that can be quite a save on SP.
I've decided to Drop FoP for power attack when CC isn't an option, sh*t just needs beat down at that point.
I have a level 20 Favored soul (Vallic) Lord of Blades, Melee/Healer. I COULD heal if I took maximise, but I never planned on healing as a bard to begin with, I can scroll heal if needed, which is enough in situations where healers might be abit Overwhelmed. if not, then obviously the team setup was poor to begin with.
I'm not and never did say this build was going to be the best CC toon ever. if I wanted that I'd have went with a wizard or a sorc.
(I did not know that the napkin didn't stack with dreamspitter) so this opens up a slot for me.
Anyways, GMs please lock this thread, it seems this meadow has attracted a troll or two.