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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Question about a build

    Now I don't have everything setup (haven't done the ddo char builder). I was wondering if it is possible to make either of these?

    Palemaster Assassin? or a Palemaster Mechanic?

    I want to make a Rogue/Wizard and be beneficial solo and group play (not worried about raids)

  2. #2
    Community Member lazyninja81's Avatar
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    Nov 2008


    Rog/Wiz is very solo-able (that a word?) and very beneficial to parties. Can get very good trapsmithing skills and search. Standard seems to be Rog 2/Wiz 18. Max Int, 14 Con and then whatever you want. Take feat insightful reflexes (applies Int modifier to reflex save) around the same time you take 2nd rogue level (will have awesome reflex save for your evasion!). Also, start with rogue as 1st level for skill pt bonus then take 2nd rogue level after you get firewall. Be sure to max search, disable device, and concentration at all levels. Level ups into Int (obviously). Race is a matter of preference but most would recommend WF if you have it, maybe drow. If not either, your choice.

    Check the Wiz forum for detailed builds. You'll be squishy for the first few levels but once you get firewall and evasion, you'll be lovin' it.
    Last edited by lazyninja81; 06-05-2010 at 08:41 PM. Reason: spelling mistake

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Cool cool thanks for the advice.

    However I am really trying to see if it is possible to be a Pale master 1 and Rogue Mechanic or Rogue Assassin. (if there are any viable builds for this) I know I get 23 sneak attack damage at level 7 for Rogue.) And to get both either Rogue Assassin 1, or Rogue Mechanic 1 I would need 6 levels and then Pale Master I would be 6 levels of Wizard. Then level 7 would be to get Firewall. So 14 so far. Where should I go from there, is it possible to either get Pale master II or Rogue Assassin II or Rogue Mechanic II (which ever would be best to get with a good possible Solo/Party build.

  4. #4
    Community Member lazyninja81's Avatar
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    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Taan_Solis View Post
    Cool cool thanks for the advice.

    However I am really trying to see if it is possible to be a Pale master 1 and Rogue Mechanic or Rogue Assassin. (if there are any viable builds for this) I know I get 23 sneak attack damage at level 7 for Rogue.) And to get both either Rogue Assassin 1, or Rogue Mechanic 1 I would need 6 levels and then Pale Master I would be 6 levels of Wizard. Then level 7 would be to get Firewall. So 14 so far. Where should I go from there, is it possible to either get Pale master II or Rogue Assassin II or Rogue Mechanic II (which ever would be best to get with a good possible Solo/Party build.
    Ah I see where you're going with this, more of a rogue with buffing abilities then a trapsmithing caster. Keep in mind that your offensive casting (spells with DCs/spell resistant) will be severely hindered at higher levels. If your goal is to have a rogue with arcane buffing ability, firewall might not be your best friend in that case because it will get you a lot of aggro, thereby negating your sneak attack.

    Never looked into this kind of a build myself. I'm sure someone has. Do a search of the Wiz forum, should be able to find some example builds there, or someone will post here soon enough. I would guess something like Int 14, around 14 Con, then high Dex or Str depending on your build (i.e. if your taking Weapon Finesse for Dex mod to hit).

    Again, go WF if you can and you'll be able to self heal. If you don't have WF you'll want to get as high a UMD as possible so that you can use healing wands and scrolls. Should make for a very self-sufficient build when solo'ing. Will be able to serve as primary rogue in parties and backup buffer.
    Last edited by lazyninja81; 06-05-2010 at 09:04 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Well I think I will go more towards Wizard in this case.
    It will be a Drow. My points at start are 12 Str, 12 dex, Con 10, Int 20, wis 10, char 10.

    Offensive I guess wizard. Get the max I can with Int. Then be able to unlock traps and find stuff.

    I know it's not the best build. Not going for the best. Going Pale master I know, but don't know which I want to add, Rogue Assasin or mechanic, or would rogue Acrobat be better, or even forgo that, and just get level 4 with rogue to get the trap building (when Update 4 comes out) and go Wizard Pale master build

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