So there are no large guild recruiting?
Here are my reqs for a guild:
1. Be large, want to raid (or at least have a few members on regularly that actually like to group together)
2. Be 18+ (I like to drink beer and or moonshine while playing. This tends to lead toward me saying things that would get me put in jail if said to a minor)
3. Know that RL > DDO. (I have RL responsibilities and believe that you do to. Sometimes things come up and I have to leave. I don't care even if we are getting ready to attack the largest meanest ugliest boss in DDO...If I gotta go, I don't want anything said to me later about it.)
4. Have people that want to group up and have fun together. (This is a game after all)
5. Be without drama. (I game to escape RL drama, not get online and run into more of it)
6. Not be racial or classist (I like to play several different classes and races, and will not play one race or class exclusively in order to join a large group)
I'm doubting that this guild exists but if is it out there.
Contact me, we'll talk, group up, and go kill something.