Information and feedback on the new quests
First off, they appear to be well done. No signs of clipping or missing texture like was seen in the quests near the twelve entrance.Code:Level Patron Favor Base XP Name 5 Phiarlan 4 2340 A Small Problem 5 Phiarlan ? ???? Funhouse of Doom 5 Phiarlan 4 2200 Partycrashers 5 Phiarlan 4 2060 The Snitch 5 Phiarlan 4 2340 Under the Big Top
They are all fairly long. Groups doing them for the first time can expect to spend close to an hour on each I would think. They are interesting and it is clear that whoever developed them had fun doing it. Lots of creative NPC text, and some very unique new mobs or combos of mobs. Specific comments below.
A Small Problem: Of the 4 I was able to find and run, this was perhaps the least fun of this package. While the content was somewhat novel, it as soon clear what the scheme would be, needing to get X of water or fire or earth etc each time. It was a bit annoying that you could not collect the objects out of turn. You could see and touch, just not gather until the guy in the quest asked for them. Many of the canyons and passages were too similar and it was a bit frustrating getting lost and backtracking and repeating areas to try and find that slope up you needed. Weakest of the new ones in my opinion.
Funhouse of Doom: Can't find the quest giver in House P, which is where it is listed as being found? I looked everywhere I could, including all taverns. So either the quest giver is located elsewhere and the quest info is wrong, or the quest giver did not make the build.
Partycrashers: Very interesting concept. The initial waves of illusion mobs are a nice touch, but that does get old. The "zoo" is perhaps a section or two too long. It started to drag. Once you get to the main zone of the "ballroom and Theatre" there seemed to be too many waves of mobs for at level characters. While there are plenty of shrines in the quest, it might be a rough go. Couple of issues. Was unable to complete the Theatre Backdrop optional. This might be because when the wheel and lever were first spoted, I searched and found a trap box and disarmed it. When I later got the find the problems with the stage optional in the main ballroom, It might have been pre broken. Some of the optionals around the ballroom would be hard to complete or get before ending the quest, given the location of the keys. I found keeping the charmed guards alive in the library very hard, since they are all enemies until you drop the charmer and they swarm around and do not have many HP (on normal at least). The Final Optional in the Viceroys secret room will WIPE most at level groups that try it. On normal it is a CR 11 "demon". This was on normal. It did have double chests however.
The Snitch: My favorite of the new ones, by far. This is a interesting little premise, and the enemy has a bit of character to get into, and egg you into wanting to bring his bones to justice. Never knew the plumbing of a restaraunt was so extensive. It was a bit likes the Spies in the House, only a lot less Mario. And Later on we get to run the rooftops of parts of House P (much like the Sharn Syndicate final quest). While ultimately pretty linear, there were a lot of short dead ends that were equal choices at first. That means that once someone "knows" the quest, this one will be a LOT faster. This has some very innovative mobs, and mob actions. REALLY liked the summoned golem variant. The rust monster that leaves a rusted trail of destruction was amusing. The very end of the quest was a bit of a let down since you were all primed to exact revenge on that annoying halfling. Overall a very nice quest.
Under the Big Top: Long, but interesting, at least for the first time. Not sure this one has a lot of replay on it. The early parts were pretty repetive. Could have probably done with a section or two less in the outer parts of the circus park. Not sure about the Ring the Bell Mechanics, does it count crits? or is it just purely STR based? Was not able to get much over half way up the lights with a 22 STR. Did not try all that long however, but since there are multiple instances of this game, curious about the rewards. Absolutely lover the Combo of Hell Hounds and Flaming Sphere. The Zombie magician assistants were a hoot. Final battle. That is one dang big mother tent at least on the inside!! The Mistress of Ceremonies, definitely has the looks and gear to support the NPCs who all comment to the effect of "hubba hubba!" Nice touch letting everyone get ready in the big tent before getting things rolling, helps avoid someone getting in lag hell and getting screwed. This was fun, but seemed to be a bit longer than needed once you looked back.