The other night I was looking to run a shroud on my cleric... Their was one up.... Posted as "15 minute shroud, bring your A game and have the right weapons, no shrining or looting til the end...." However, this shroud wasn't looking for a cleric, (the party leader was a FvS, apparently didn't need any backup), so I went out into the Vale and did some slayer... Spend about 20 minutes out there before getting bored... still no other shroudage going on... However, that fist shroud still hadn't filled... I just laughed and continued on my way...
Ok, I understand the speed run thing, but when it takes 1 hr to fill, is it really a speed run? I don't see a 15 minute run taking 15 minutes when I wait an 1 hr before we start, I see it as 1hr 15 minute run, with 1 hr wasted time. Id rather take 40 minutes in the raid, and 10 to fill than that... Especially when it's a late night PuG. Oh well... some things you see.