I don't think I am going againt and guidelines by saying this (and please don't troll. If you disagree explain why. I would like to keep this as civil as possible.)but....

Turbine I have a modest proposal that I think many current and old time players would agree with me on this.

I would propose that you, Turbine, spend a good chunk of the influx of money you obtained since going free to play on obtaining new servers that you know will be able to handle any curve balls you can throw at it.

Supporting Reasons and Theories:
As many players have come to tell there has been drastic increases in changes to the game so as to better the performance that the servers can handle. As have been stated by yourselves many times that each game has its own servers and I never experienced the same lag issues, etc. on LOTRO as I have DDO. I have played DDO for four years and have experienced just about every change both good and bad that has been brought to the game.

While I understand that previously you were working with very limited resouces and money which is why we got so few modules spread out over longer periods of time. However, as had been stated in many interviews, Turbine has managed to grow substancially economically. This tells me that as far as we players know, you have access to more resources than before, hence you're ability to give us updates essentially on a monthly basis.

My thoughts on this subject though is that if Turbine has the money and resources to do this then it has the ability to upgrade its current servers so that the developers can give us more content without worrying about destroying game performance.

For example, the recent changes to two weapon fight was because there was an overload on the servers and they couldn't handle the stress. So your solution to this obstacle was to alter game play so that the servers weren't having to deal with so much work all together.

I feel that if Turbine, rather than make such drastic changes to the game and further angering many more players, instead takes down the servers for a period of time to get these new servers up and running and restore a lot of these "performance enhanceing" changes back to their original state (ie the two weapon fighting change and dungeon alert) and from there figure out what needs to be done to fix the game. But as of now it seems a lot of the reasons you guys are having to take down the servers is because the servers themselves can't handle the stress being put on them.

That's my thoughts. Sorry its so long but I feel this needed to be said.