Just wanted to take some time to say that you and Yoko rock.
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Anyone else think its wrong to give significant in quest buffs based on the size of your guild and how many treasure bags your guild picks up? It seems unbalancing. I've always recommended people join guilds, but they shouldn't have in quest penalties for not being in a guild.
sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana
Green Armadillo said it pretty well, so I'll link to his blog post. I don't remember seeing anything that powerful on the reward list.
To me, it just seems like added perks of being into a guild -nothing unbalancing.
Last edited by Borror0; 06-07-2010 at 10:28 AM.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
I think the (it looks like stacking) resists have the greatest potential to be overpowering. The +stats aren't a small thing either, but not game breakig no.
I get the convinience stuff...and I think they should add cosmetics too. But in quest I really don't think it should make any difference if you are unguilded or not. An unguilded player should have the ability to twink his character every bit as much as one in a guild, and I'm missing any reason why it should be otherwise.
The bank, shared guild treasure box, teleport, crafting, even xp bonuses are all just fine by me because they don't make the character being played any weaker/stronger based on guild size.
The biggest problem are those items. The bonuses aren't huge (although they do suffer from the same problem on "why should I be more powerful in a guild I talked about above), but it takes items that should be useable and makes them trash. That +4STR bracer might help me, but oops, I'm not in a guild and its the guild version. That's just not reasonable - do we really need more trash loot? At the very least they should be equipable at the normal ML until and unless the augment slot is used, and THEN the guild minimum should apply.
I would hope it does not stack with other resistance sources. Otherwise, one could have 60 resistance to fire which is not only unbalancing for all the game - not only from a guild versus unguilded point of view. It's even worse if all characters can use it, regardless of level.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
That's what scares me. The description says it doesn't stack with other shrines... which makes me think its meant to stack with other things. Could just be an unclear description or poor reading on my part (hard to believe either of those could happen ). Even non stacking 30 resist would be very overpowering at low level (maybe there are char level limits too that aren't clear?). We all know how helpful P buff or Twelve pots are at L5, going 30 at L1 would trivialize a lot of starting content.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
+2 damage, +2 to all stats...
Actually the 10% healing amp bothers me a lot, because of the bias towards high-hp characters.
The big unknown is whether the Guild Augments for magic items will have any value or not. That'll depend on what you're giving up in other item abilities in order to get the guild augment slot in there.
Last edited by Angelus_dead; 06-07-2010 at 01:46 PM.
Posted better summary tables at http://ddowiki.com/page/Guild_Airships
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