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  1. #1
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    Default Khyber monks - devout farming

    TL;DR: Somewhere around 9-10 PM CST tonight, I'll be on farming for devouts. I've got a sorcerer, an opener, and a jug of scotch. Pst Offcer (please note the jacked spelling--Offcer) for an invite, I'll go anon when the party's full. Monks only for now, please (as if anyone else wants to be in there).

    Well, my primary character is a monk. My static group (RL friends) fell apart, so I solo. A lot. I realized after getting my teeth kicked in a few times by Brother Nerezza, that the monk just wasn't cut out for soloing this guy. The obvious answer: start a sorcerer, level him up, and -then- solo the Rza. So here I am.

    What I expect from you:
    Nothing really. Be able to take care of yourself.

    What you should expect from me:
    Other than heavy breathing into the open mike and yelling at my wife, not much. I plan on stomping that dirty vampire a new one for a few hours, and would like to help some other monks out in the process. I do carry the standard buffs, but most likely won't be handing them out because buffing a full party takes a good bit of mana, and if I don't have the mana to cast my embiggened firewalls then it's not really worth my time to party up.

    1- This is open to all monks, I don't care what level. Please be aware that if your monk is low enough you may not want to participate, because one day you might to get some great XP and getting your teeth kicked in by the Rza is an excellent source of XP.

    2- Since the wraps are bound to character, if I manage to pull them you'll have to wait for me to get the bot account down there and transfer them, then log my monk to get them. It might take a few minutes. I do intend to continue running this after I get them, and depending on how things go tonight will most likely keep this up for a while.

    3- My sorcerer is almost level 13, so when I get enough experience you'll have to wait around while I go and level. Just kidding.

    4- Most importantly: I have never PUGed before. So be gentle, Khyber, it's my first time.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by MCPeePants View Post
    TL;DR: Somewhere around 9-10 PM CST tonight, I'll be on farming for devouts. I've got a sorcerer, an opener, and a jug of scotch. Pst Offcer (please note the jacked spelling--Offcer) for an invite, I'll go anon when the party's full. Monks only for now, please (as if anyone else wants to be in there).

    Well, my primary character is a monk. My static group (RL friends) fell apart, so I solo. A lot. I realized after getting my teeth kicked in a few times by Brother Nerezza, that the monk just wasn't cut out for soloing this guy. The obvious answer: start a sorcerer, level him up, and -then- solo the Rza. So here I am.

    What I expect from you:
    Nothing really. Be able to take care of yourself.

    What you should expect from me:
    Other than heavy breathing into the open mike and yelling at my wife, not much. I plan on stomping that dirty vampire a new one for a few hours, and would like to help some other monks out in the process. I do carry the standard buffs, but most likely won't be handing them out because buffing a full party takes a good bit of mana, and if I don't have the mana to cast my embiggened firewalls then it's not really worth my time to party up.

    1- This is open to all monks, I don't care what level. Please be aware that if your monk is low enough you may not want to participate, because one day you might to get some great XP and getting your teeth kicked in by the Rza is an excellent source of XP.

    2- Since the wraps are bound to character, if I manage to pull them you'll have to wait for me to get the bot account down there and transfer them, then log my monk to get them. It might take a few minutes. I do intend to continue running this after I get them, and depending on how things go tonight will most likely keep this up for a while.

    3- My sorcerer is almost level 13, so when I get enough experience you'll have to wait around while I go and level. Just kidding.

    4- Most importantly: I have never PUGed before. So be gentle, Khyber, it's my first time.
    u do realize if your monks not in the party when u pop the chest you won't be able to transfer it to him

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Infi View Post
    u do realize if your monks not in the party when u pop the chest you won't be able to transfer it to him
    Is my noob showing?

    No matter, I'm still running it. Come to think of it, those devouts were probably sour anyway.

  4. #4
    Community Member Aussieee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MCPeePants View Post
    4- Most importantly: I have never PUGed before. So be gentle, Khyber, it's my first time.
    NO! Bend over and take it like a man
    Aussie, Minimonbon,Rockstarr-Leader of Utopia
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  5. #5
    Relic of the Last War
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aussieee View Post
    NO! Bend over and take it like a man
    I think I still have 1Mplat if you're sporty go both ways.

  6. #6
    Community Member Belowme's Avatar
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    Kudos to you sir. I almost wish I could take advantage of this offer. Except that i now hate this quest with a passion and will never roll a second monk for this reason. I made my GF pike it out in the first chamber while i dragged my sorc through the place. The altar in there is a port to free loot once the vamp is dead and you use his altar so there was no risk of anyone getting lost. Took me about 34 runs to finally get mine. If you want, ill help you farm for your monk (my monk still has the crypt open so i just open with him and switch to my sorc) as a sort of an informal thanks from the monk community. PM me or send a tell/mail to Dilitane if your interested.
    Hard pressed on my right. My center is yielding. Impossible to maneuver. Situation excellent. I am attacking.

  7. #7
    Community Member Rumbaar's Avatar
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    I hope to see your LfM in game.
    Leader - Ωmega Syndicate [L41] guild of Khyber|Orien -
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  8. #8
    Community Member Aussieee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kistilan View Post
    I think I still have 1Mplat if you're sporty go both ways.
    Sure we can put your plat up your ...
    Aussie, Minimonbon,Rockstarr-Leader of Utopia
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  9. #9
    Relic of the Last War
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aussieee View Post
    Sure we can put your plat up your ...
    You must be more gifted than me -- I think I could wager a few coppers, but plat is hard stuff to stuff. I'm an iron phoenix down there so the reception is small and limited.

    Do you have gloves for both of us? It could get messy.

  10. #10
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    Default status update

    Last night went nicely--uneventful for the most part. There -was- a somewhat harrowing experience involving a couple of hooligans, a jar of change, and a speculum offering what they termed to be an "enriching experience", but I'm too embarrassed by the whole event to go into the details of it here.

    After the runs we did last night, I'm now up to 28 total between these two characters with no sign of the wraps (I know--I'm just as surprised by this as many of you are).

    I did consider putting up an LFM last night but decided against it. Using extremely complex and difficult maths, I determined that I could reduce my odds of a PUG-gone-wrong by limiting the invite to the caliber of player who frequents the forums. Realistically I probably should have, and I'll be sure to next time I run it.

    Also, thanks for the offer Belowme. My farming process became quite a bit more involved after Infi corrected my understanding of the chest loots transfers (I'm gonna have to take a mulligan on that one). After the coming update I'm very likely going to re-spec my monk, and once I figure out where I'm going with him I'll look you up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kistilan
    Do you have gloves for both of us? It could get messy.
    Did you need latex, or Titan's Grip?
    Last edited by MCPeePants; 06-06-2010 at 02:42 AM.

  11. #11
    Relic of the Last War
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    Quote Originally Posted by MCPeePants View Post
    Did you need latex, or Titan's Grip?
    I'm totally going to need Titan's due to the fact that she can handle extra large and change for 1Mplat.

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