Quote Originally Posted by bobbryan2 View Post
And would you rather have a couple extra points of damage versus large groups of enemies... or +70 hp?

The point is that you can twitch and save yourself upwards of 3 feats. Or hell.. just take 2 of the feats for group attacking.
Dude Iloved my glancing blows and movement combined. Its what made 2hf worthwhile for me now no chance.

The balance has effectively done a stealth nerf to thf to make it barely worthwhile as pure dps was the only advantage. The feats are useless and every warrior type will run around with 2wf when they get the chance for all the benefits! Why do devs not see this when it didnt take long for the community to see it!

Anyone who thinks the new nerf is acceptable and can see the imbalance when every detail is weighed up are in complete ignorance to the damage of the games value on having a variety of styles worthwhile or to other players who want to play a viable different style.

BTW I have 2wf rogue and a 2hf barb and a s+b cleric who uses a dwarven axe which now gets glancing blows. Im up for variety but if I stay around in this environment Iwill have to change my barb to twf!