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A lot of the discussion has focused on THF barbs, and other builds for whom glancing blows are a small % of ovarall damage. I have a THF kotc paladin, however, who is getting the kotc/capstone damage destroyed, because it procs on glancing blows. This feature helped make the build very effective dps-wise, much more so than many would think (I realize conventional wisdom is to make every single kotc paladin a twf).
When fighting non-bosses, THF's are moving all the time. So that toon just lost 40% of it's KOTC and capstone damage, in addition to the nerf that all THF builds were getting.
And why, why does this nerf need to happen? Where is lag the most frequent? Shroud parts 4 and 5. Stationary, non-moving targets, where twitching is next to impossible, and as a result, there are practically no moving glancing blows. So it can't possibly be the case that moving glancing blows are creating shroud lag. Correspondingly, I can't see how this nerf helps shroud lag at all. What it DOES do, however, is make me want to retire this character.
With zeal and GTHF rendered irrelevant, and attack speed slowed down, I just don't see how this character will continue to be enjoyable to play.