Since i have been busy with RL lately (prepping for NCLEX) and not playing anyway, I turned off my DDO subscription earlier today after reading the list of U5 Lamannia changes.

A lot of silly and/or unwanted/unneeded changes combined with undocumented changes and a lack of developer feedback leave me with a lack of desire to play DDO again when I have the time to do so. Maybe the changes that go live will be different and I will change my mind, but Turbine generally pushes through whatever they put on Lamannia, so not much chance of that.

Mainly posting for guildies and people I play with regularly to give some notice of why I have been MIA lately. I have not yet decided to permanently quit DDO yet, but see no need to pay for a game I am not currently able to play due to time constraints when the changes in the works may end up with me not wanting to play even when I do have the time to.