I don't really like the way you've changed how you show damage. Here is my suggestion for an improvement. I will give 1 Spell example to demonstrate:
Sonic Blast
Spell point cost: 77 (base 10)
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable
Duration: 2 seconds
Spell Resistance: No
Save: 30 (Will, negates effect but not damage)
Description: Blasts an enemy with loud, high pitched sounds, dealing Sonic damage and potentially dazing the target.
Effect(s): The target must make a successfull Will save or be dazed for a short period of time, or until they are damaged.
Damage: (Sonic) 1-4 per two caster levels (up to a max of 20 damage at 10th level)
Current Damage: 15-20 (5d2+10) (<- this would display based on the characters current level/abilities)
Notice that I separated "Damage" and "Effect(s)" from "Description". This allows the player to read what the spell does descriptively, and then look at what the spell does functionally.
Also, I added a new field, "Current Damage:" This would be different if you were level 5 vs if you were level 10. i.e. it would show the actual damage YOUR spell would do if YOU cast it. It also uses the range notation PLUS the actual dice notation, so the player knows not only the range of damage, but also the statistical min, max and avg.