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What I am asking is when did average become involved?
When they determined to calculate a random number.
When out of infinate results
It is in no way infinite it is very very finite.
of a roll of 2d6 that result would ALWAYS be between 2-12
But that is not what it says.
"Acid Fog ... causes 2 to 12 acid damage every 2 seconds to targets within the cloud.\n\nD&D Dice: Deals 2d6 acid damage every 2 seconds."
It does not say "it causes between 2 and 12" it says "it causes 2 to 12". That is a statement of mathematical probability. Not a generalization of range.
Nor does it say this, "you will never see a result on a roll of 2d6 that will be less than 2 and greater that 12."
..."algebreic form...Which this result equals 2 to 12"
Except it is not Algebra. It is Probability.
However 2 to 12 doesn't always equal 2d6, the equation is one directional.
Same as these which also apply the same results.
1 + 1d11 = to being between 2 to 12
1d2 + 1d10 = to being between 2 to 12
1d3 + 1d9 = to being between 2 to 12
1d4 + 1d8 = to being between 2 to 12
1d5 + 1d7 = to being between 2 to 12
Now your just obfuscating. I specifically stated 2 to 12 was never 2D6.
Basically your complant comes down to 2 to 12 doesn't always mean 2d6.
No, it never means it. They are different statements of probability.
But the reason it is posted as 2 to 12 is because out of infinate die results the number will always roll between 2 and 12 and that is why directionally it equals that, but not in reverse.
And this is why it is so very very bad that they chose to misrepresent the statement of probability. It is not infinite. 2 to 12 has 11 finite results possible and 2D6 has 36 finite possible outcomes. They also have very very different chances of each individual outcome.
It's like combining two balls of clay, this amount combined with this amount will always equal this amount, but any other combinations of this total amount also equal this total amount.
No, it is like combining two exactly the same amounts of clay and claiming it is the same as the two seperate pieces of clay.
Your think law of averages, but when determining results it a matter of results and not averages.
You available for some poker?
...Heart Attacks and Strokes doen't always result in death.
Never said they did. I said even if the outcome can be the same they are still different things.
Your arguement is about reverse equality,
No, my argument is that misrepresenting a statement of probability is bad math.
... The statement used should be,
2d6 can = 2 to 12,
No, the statement (if they wish to use the different method of declaration) should be,
"Acid Fog ... causes between 2 and 12 acid damage every 2 seconds to targets within the cloud."
The "D&D Dice: Deals 2d6 acid damage every 2 seconds." is pure ignorance as unless it is a trade mark on specific products, there is no such thing as "D&D Dice:" only dice. If the probability is actually "2D6" then stating this is is fine but if it is not "2D6" then they should not state that.