OK then Mr-or-Mrs T sir-or-madam depending-on-which-of-you-wants-to-read-this, here goes:
With regard tooltip changes generally (note i'm not on lamannia, but i have read the threads & release notes and see the screenshots - this isn't a gameplay issue so i feel I'm ok to comment without experiencing first hand. apologies if this is not the case):
- they are clear in my opinion. However, if the feedback you are getting from somewhere (lord knows where, I haven't seen any confusion from anyone in game) is that its too difficult, then please just move the dice notation to a more prominent position and swap the new notation down to the bottom. Or just write "5d6 (5-30)" (arguments over loaded dice to one side)
- I like what I'm hearing about durations showing up on tooltips, and that they will show for weapon sets dragged to hotbars
- I don't like the idea of lessening the prominence of dice notation for pure numbers which skew the variability unrealisticaly anyway (back to loaded dice here - 5d6 is simply NOT going to give you 5-30 in this game, its going to give you 10-30 which is actually a much lower variance, mathmatically speaking)
I'm not berating anyone with that I hope. I understand the need for a balance with non DnD players - as I said in my first post - but I wouldn't log into WoW and expect to see everquest notations just because Everquest was bigger and 'first' when WoW launched. If you start playing a new game - online or 'real', MMO, RPG or Board game - you should expect to have to learn new rules. This is not an unreasonable expectation.
thanks for listening.