Why? it's an extremely rare drop, and was only as good as ONE memonic per rest. What reason was there to nerf it besides making people buy more pots?
Why? it's an extremely rare drop, and was only as good as ONE memonic per rest. What reason was there to nerf it besides making people buy more pots?
Because they couldn't nerf epic spell storing ring retroactively without nerfing the actual power "Major Mnemonic Aid".
This power is the same for both items, the spell storing ring just has 3 casts per day instead of one.
If they would have actually created a new power and changed the spell storing ring itself, they would need to find a way for people to put it in the altar to apply the change to existing items. But who in their right mind would willingly do that?
Now if they don't intend for the bauble to be nerfed they can change the power on it and just tell people to put it in the altar for the "fix". This people will happily cooperate with...
twf dps nerf - fights last for longer - healer need to heal for longer - bauble nerfed - more sp pots bought from store....
do you see a pattern?
If Turbine really wanted to balance the nerfs out they should hit Torc. That would get some people talkin.
(Knocks on wood)
Teth - Ascendance
Old School n00b that used to be pretty good at the game.
The Bauble nerf is one of the few that really bothers me. Healers have a hard enough time without nerfing end game spell point items. It's not like it unbalances End Game content.
“If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do succeed.”
Nerfing the RoSS I can see, it ****es me off but I can see it (makes carrying pots useless in 99% of the situations if you get 4 free charges each time)
The bauble however is in no way unbalancing. It's a unique rare drop that gives a clicky of major pot, it really isn't that game breaking, it's a named item like any other, it's special.
Now I would LIKE to think that the bauble nerf is a byproduct of the ring nerf, but that's silly either way![]()
This theme of changing the game to sell pots is making me sick.
The scope of this nerfgate is beyond anything I could have possibly imagined in my wildest dreams, even IF i was a greedy CEO running Turbine.
Mellkor Wizard, Culpepper Cleric, Coyle Warlock, Anarion Mechanic Archer, Ungoliant, Assassin, Tulkas Astaldo Vanguard Pally,
***Argonnessen*** ~~Ascent~~
This change is not listed in the release notes...
Is it a bug?
“If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do succeed.”