having been a DDO player for 6 or so months now and having got to grips with solo play I found myself sometimes wandering about raids or what lies behind the doors of multi player quests. But I put these thoughts aside as my play time is erratic and I have a young daughter, so felt solo play was a better option as if I had stuff that distracted me only my own game play was affected.

But last night after battling through fleshmakers only to get stuck at the runes part and failing to get a hireling to understand what I wanted I made a vow.

Solo play is OK but maybe this group play has something going for it !

I thought of pugging but again the random nature and my out of work demands make this a non starter.

So anyway what I am looking for is a guild , maybe for static play so I can make arrangements for to cover my home life while I enjoy DDO.

I'm quite prepared to roll up a new character so all recomendations welcome