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Thread: Cleric PRE

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrCow View Post
    Self and others.

    I'll refrain from answering. These sometimes sidetrack conversations.

    Turn Undead uses have a cost, be it in CHA, Action Points, a feat, or itemization. The feats for metamagics are also a cost. Yes, it is nice to use Positive Energy Burst, and having between 6 to 10 uses of Turn Undead are relatively cheap, but it technically isn't free.

    There are still situations you won't want to hug your heal victim, like the pups in Hound of Xoriat.
    True that are situations where you dont want to hug the healing VICTIMS( liked that one , but with such awesome mana to heal efficiency that will make people find out how to implment the ideal situation for the best raid healing.

    And you must agree even if it isent free in regards to ap/feats/cha or itemization, most if not all clerics allready have all those mentioned except MAYBE cha.

    And that will in turn generate thousands upon thousands of free spell points for the right build ( 300+ hp, 30+ ref saves) and most lvl 20 clerics can make that if they really want

    So in summary being modest here 2-3k free spell points AINT OP?

    I would like a number cruncher to go over how much those turns are worth singularly and put a sp chart up for 1 turn, 5 turns, 10 turns, 15 and 20 so people can see, just the positive burst OPedness, and thats not even counting the aura....

    Would like to see a number cruncher crunch a max aura in regards to gear/feats/enhancements ect, and see how much sps you save per minute on the aura alone =)

    Looks like FvS are not going to be healing on Raids anymore AT ALL.

  2. #22
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    But I digress, it is never bad for healers to be OP, makes them more played and not so hard to find for groups...

    DDO hasent been kind to clerics since it came out, its time for the lubricant and some quality time now I see

  3. #23
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    Thanks for quick answer

    Quote Originally Posted by MrCow View Post
    There are still situations you won't want to hug your heal victim, like the pups in Hound of Xoriat.
    I wonder if you can use it if effected by those bees.

    Oh, i asked because, yes, a caster cleric would max Wis, so very limited number of points left for CHA (after other stats, like CON). But a true melee oriented War Priest, paladin like Divine Warrior is a different story. Not "i want to do everything, melee and Implode things", but a Warchanter (15/3/2 version) like Cleric, Wis just enough to cast spells, rest for STR and CHA. A War Priest would allways be in perfect range for this new healing burst

    Edit: I do NOT think it should be nerfed. FvS probable still have more effective spell points available.
    Last edited by Kriogen; 06-03-2010 at 04:46 AM.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kriogen View Post
    Thanks for quick answer

    I wonder if you can use it if effected by those bees.

    Oh, i asked because, yes, a caster cleric would max Wis, so very limited number of points left for CHA (after other stats, like CON). But a true melee oriented War Priest, paladin like Divine Warrior is a different story. Not "i want to do everything, melee and Implode things", but a Warchanter (15/3/2 version) like Cleric, Wis just enough to cast spells, rest for STR and CHA. A War Priest would allways be in perfect range for this new healing burst
    Like the melee cleric ones I been playing in EU for several years and now the one I been playing here for years? it would be PERFECT.

    Yes thats a good question, do the P.Bursts and Aura work in Beholder ray? On the Bees in Hound? When Quelled? They should if they are spell like abilities like the halfing healing marks, they work under those conditions, I soooo hope these do too =)

    By the way Thanks MrCow for taking the time to test all this out and answering all these questions. =)
    Last edited by Kolbathinbeta; 06-03-2010 at 05:05 AM.

  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Kriogen
    I wonder if you can use it if effected by those bees.
    It can be used in anti-magic, but it requires a clear head to use (can't use during Feeblemind/Madstone Rage) and is a divine ability (can't use under intercession). So no, it won't be usable with the swarm over your head.

    Positive Energy Aura is also prone to dispel.
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  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kriogen View Post
    Thanks for quick answer

    I wonder if you can use it if effected by those bees.

    Oh, i asked because, yes, a caster cleric would max Wis, so very limited number of points left for CHA (after other stats, like CON). But a true melee oriented War Priest, paladin like Divine Warrior is a different story. Not "i want to do everything, melee and Implode things", but a Warchanter (15/3/2 version) like Cleric, Wis just enough to cast spells, rest for STR and CHA. A War Priest would allways be in perfect range for this new healing burst

    Edit: I do NOT think it should be nerfed. FvS probable still have more effective spell points available.

    A person who has dump stated cha at 8 and modest time investment would get:

    8 cha + 6 item +2 tome +2 enhancement = 18 cha a +4 modifier.

    Thats 7 turns + 4 from enhancements thats 11 Turns + 2 from the lvl 9 trinket from the quest the dead shall rise again, for a total of 13 turns eaisly.

    13 Free, maximized,empowered, quickened, empowered healing mass cures is ....alot of free sps. For the person who dumpstated cha....

    Ohh maybe time to build a halfing dragonmarked radiant servant just for kicks That uses Turns for mass heals and dragonmarks for personal heals and all his SPs for offensive casting.... yummy =)
    Last edited by Kolbathinbeta; 06-03-2010 at 04:59 AM.

  7. #27
    Community Member Adalita's Avatar
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    So I suppose its now time for the FvS to start crying about how they are now underpowered, the devs don't love them, and the battleclerics will complain that it reinforces the stereotype that clerics are just for healing, and there will LFMs with "MUST HAEV HEALS ENHANC!", and great will be the wailing and gnashing of teeth when they start posting "Fix broken cleric prestige" in the forums.........

    .....and the circle of life goes on:

    "It's the Circle of Life
    And it moves us all
    Through despair and hope
    Through faith and love
    Till we find our place
    On the path unwinding
    In the Circle
    The Circle of Life......"
    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    DDO players dont ragequit. They ragejoin. Boycotting around these parts means play something as much as possible, then post that we hate it.

  8. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by Adalita
    and the battleclerics will complain that it reinforces the stereotype that clerics are just for healing
    Actually, this Prestige Enhancement is actually wonderful for a Battlecleric style cleric because of how lazy one can be about healing. They just pop Positive Energy Aura on, wade into battle, let the aura do its healing over time, and tell folks that if they die they either took too much damage or didn't stay close enough.
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  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adalita View Post
    So I suppose its now time for the FvS to start crying about how they are now underpowered, the devs don't love them, and the battleclerics will complain that it reinforces the stereotype that clerics are just for healing, and there will LFMs with "MUST HAEV HEALS ENHANC!", and great will be the wailing and gnashing of teeth when they start posting "Fix broken cleric prestige" in the forums.........

    .....and the circle of life goes on:

    "It's the Circle of Life
    And it moves us all
    Through despair and hope
    Through faith and love
    Till we find our place
    On the path unwinding
    In the Circle
    The Circle of Life......"
    Me likes

    Anything to put those pesky FvS where they deserve to be, under the stamping foot of my Cleric

    Yes they will whine and moan, so the devs will hastily put in the healing PrC for FvS in update 6 or 7 and the FvS will once again be better then Clerics at healing (Or gasp at the same level perhaps) but for a few mods the clerics will be under the Radiant sun of Pelor!

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrCow View Post
    Actually, this Prestige Enhancement is actually wonderful for a Battlecleric style cleric because of how lazy one can be about healing. They just pop Positive Energy Aura on, wade into battle, let the aura do its healing over time, and tell folks that if they die they either took too much damage or didn't stay close enough.
    Agree. But dont forget the occisonal Mass heal quickened, empowered healed. Centered on the BC ofc, cause he gotza get his heals too, and if somebody is within range good for them if not boohoo cause the BC ,the most important toon anyway, got his heals ;P
    Last edited by Kolbathinbeta; 06-03-2010 at 05:15 AM.

  11. #31
    Founder GottDDO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kolbathinbeta View Post
    A person who has dump stated cha at 8 and modest time investment would get:

    8 cha + 6 item +2 tome +2 enhancement = 18 cha a +4 modifier.

    Thats 7 turns + 4 from enhancements thats 11 Turns + 2 from the lvl 9 trinket from the quest the dead shall rise again, for a total of 13 turns eaisly.

    13 Free, maximized,empowered, quickened, empowered healing mass cures is ....alot of free sps. For the person who dumpstated cha....

    Ohh maybe time to build a halfing dragonmarked radiant servant just for kicks That uses Turns for mass heals and dragonmarks for personal heals and all his SPs for offensive casting.... yummy =)
    Forgive me, but I've been gone for a few years.

    Since when do +Charisma enhancements and items add to turn attempts?
    Myth Busting: People are not connecting reliably at this point.

  12. #32
    Community Member honkuimushi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GottDDO View Post
    Forgive me, but I've been gone for a few years.

    Since when do +Charisma enhancements and items add to turn attempts?
    I don't remember exactly, but it was at least 2 years ago. I think it was around the same time as the Desert was added, so Mod 3ish. If I remember correctly, it didn't work at first, but it was fixed quite a while ago.

  13. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by GottDDO
    Forgive me, but I've been gone for a few years.

    Since when do +Charisma enhancements and items add to turn attempts?
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  14. #34
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    Well, smack my ass and call me Sally.

    I just played a cleric to 20, and I never even bothered to equip a charisma item or take an enhancement...
    Myth Busting: People are not connecting reliably at this point.

  15. #35
    Community Member wolflordnexus's Avatar
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    Questions Abound thinking of working on a blade sworn style BC the aura is divine healing so obviously wouldn't heal you while in transformation but would transformation/rage /madstone ect. cancel it once it's cast

  16. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by wolflordnexus
    Questions Abound thinking of working on a blade sworn style BC the aura is divine healing so obviously wouldn't heal you while in transformation but would transformation/rage /madstone ect. cancel it once it's cast
    You can not cast the Positive Energy Aura or Positive Energy Burst while in any of those states, but none of those states will remove Positive Energy Aura if you have it going when you start the effects.
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  17. #37
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    my mystic theurge just made some air jumps

    this is something really nice

    use max empower empheal aura, cast firewall, throw in divine might, grab the greataxe and wack away
    Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
    *insert axe*
    o o

  18. #38


    Nothing fancy, but a 40 second demonstration of Positive Energy Aura and Positive Energy Burst used in The Graverobber on Hard to help give a visual on the new abilities.
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  19. #39
    Community Member rendet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrCow View Post
    Nothing fancy, but a 40 second demonstration of Positive Energy Aura and Positive Energy Burst used in The Graverobber on Hard to help give a visual on the new abilities.
    Fantastic animation on positive energy burst I suppose they will have to remove it in the future after finding it is causing 99% of server lag .

    On a side note coming from someone who plays a melee healer with 500+hp I'd have to say the pre is worth experimenting with but I will have to test its usefulness endgame before I decide whether or not its worth the cost of enhancements. Requiring heal 2 kinda sucks but is only 3ap and I suppose my dwarf cleric will finally take DV 1. I like how the regenerating turns won't make it suck for us 6 base cha clerics as we will be able to regenerate turns at a rate only slightly slower than the Aura timer. That 75% empower heal will make healing those no amp WF barbs in von6 much easier (you know who you are) and now I can let them get even closer to certain death before casting my mass heals.... muah haha!

  20. #40
    Community Member rendet's Avatar
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    Also, just plugged in the enhancements required to grab the full prE and your going to have to sacrifice a bit to be able to afford this. Those action points you have to spend really spread your other enhancements thin. take 1 out of scroll mastery, 1 out of spell pen, 1 less toughness, maybe not the full line of energy of the zealot. Hardly free or overpowered. This is actually quite well implemented and I don't think every cleric is going to take the prE as some will have a hard time rationalizing the sacrifice to their enhancements.

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