I'm not sure if this has ever been mentioned but perhaps the best form of combat isn't out right killing your foe, some times its knocking them out.
For instance, necro 3 all those ignorant npcs we're not alllowed to kill? Why can't we knock them out? Heck, why can't we knock out friendly npcs to keep them alive. Let us carry or drag them along.
I mean seriously there is no form of education in storm reach for what to do for obvious and obnoxious forms of stupidity...like charging a mob of mephits and flesh renders unarmed...with out monk training. Common sense 0 bad programming 1.
So heres what I propose; new level 1 feat you get it automatically just like sneak, defensive fighting (with base attack +1) and the ability to drink potions. Subdual damage. You take a -4 to hit but you deal non-lethal damage. (we'll say its like power attack and defensive fighting can only have that on and not the others and a spell ends the stance) This way we can keep dumb npcs alive and keep from failing some missions we otherwise would not because our own lack of baby sitting skill.
And for a role play (instead of roll play) purpose to this game a Lawful good paladin in Necro 3 wouldn't kill willingly any of the people who are merely mind controlled, no he'd knock them in the back of their head with the flat of his sword, disarm them, and tie them up to keep them out of the way. We're not allowed to play evil alignments so why allow us to do evil deeds?