i kind of rather they nerf everything down so we can go back to the happy days of having fun playing without being uber-1337
i kind of rather they nerf everything down so we can go back to the happy days of having fun playing without being uber-1337
PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
less buffing, more nerfing!!!
to make it easier for those of you that wants to avoid me in game, all my characters are in "Bladesworn Mercenaries"
Had to reinstall my copy of Lama to get on, but I went on and was testing tonite and I have to say...I'm staying......all this nerf crying is completely over-exxagerated...and yes I have both TWF and THF I am testing with.
Plus it's not like it's all nerfs and nothing being added.
I haven't played since the topic was posted. I just reincarnated my fighter, he's level 6. I don't see the point in leveling him up at this point when it's going to have to be rerolled as a barb anyway. Not to mention I'm going to have to regrind for greensteel weapons so I'm not stuck with useless kopeshes.
everyone who quits because of the nerfs just needed a justification to quit. everything would have worked here
0Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
*insert axe*
o o
I play TWF, yes I understand the math, no I'm not leaving.
I also play a THF, still get the math, still not a big anough deal to ragequit over.
Besides, I've been looking for a reason to roll a bard.
This game is my mistress, and I won't leave just cuz she wants to try something a little different.
Flame on.
I'm premium these days, and considering dropping DDO completely. Not that interested in the direction of development (lowbies/non-end game focus/guildship hamsterwheel grind) and the continuous nerfing.
The nerfing especially hurts as constantly losing what you've earned means there's no point in playing. Zero compensation for broken characters/builds/epic items. Having to pay out of your own pocket to make your characters viable and regrind for new greensteel doesn't have any appeal.
I've dropped thousands of dollars on gaming in the past month, and none of it has gone to Turbine. Guess they think the constant influx of F2P at level 1-10 is going to keep them afloat forever. Heads need to roll.
Last edited by Pyromaniac; 06-03-2010 at 06:41 AM.
Thanks for the long time forum user purge of Aug '10 (Sarcasm for those who don't get it)
I'll stay...this is like all things...it happens the world does not end.
Oh and if you think your presence will be missed you are sadly mistaken.
Myth Busting: People are not connecting reliably at this point.
Hahaha.. these nerfs are nothing. I played DAOC, mates - try having your class go from godlike to laughing stock and back again depending on what patch you're playing. A few % difference in damage (TWF), an exploit fix (THF glancing blows), and bringing 1 item a little bit back in line (SOS) is nothing to cry about. Personally, I'm glad about SOS - it was starting to get old seeing every fighter and barb with one, and if they didn't have one, aiming for one. Let's have some variety.
I've lived through "The Sky is falling Nerfs" here before.
I'm still here and will still be here, even if it all makes it live unchanged.
Magical Rings are well... magical. - Gandalf
Ever since greensteel items were introduced, the game has become a Monty Haul campaign. To be perfectly honest, GS weapons (and possible items) need to be nerfed. For non-end game items, they're better than everything else out there, and all the effects have to be a major source of DPS lag.
TWF, when combined with GS, needed to be nerfed. I dislike how they're doing it (random proc seems like the worst possible solution). Twitch THF is exploiting the gaming system. It was doomed to be fixed eventually.
I don't necessarily like how they're rebalancing, but I think it is necessary for the long term.
On the other hand, "fixing" the jump animation reminds me of when they "fixed" the turning animation to the ridiculous shuffle animation. A fix that isn't needed and actually reduces the aesthetics of the game to something ridiculous.
Not happy about some of what I am hearing but going to see how it really works and even if it is as we fear I am not going anywhere I mean whatelse am I going to play nothing else out there that even mild interersts me the old repuplic just sounds like ore of the same. Now if they ever get Pre NGE SWG back I would go play that but it will take more then update 5 to drive me away.
Beware the Sleepeater