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  1. #21
    Community Member TRonbrassring's Avatar
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    Default Thhey must fix some of the lagg

    Or im gone, the next time i end up lagging in a final battle when im the only one moving around and i end up dying because my hireling Cleric goes the wrong way because of LaGg And i die, and waist another hour and a half ....any one can point me to another cool game like this -----------------the LAGGggg im all ears.

  2. #22
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    None of these nerfs affect me at all.

  3. #23
    Community Member Jendrak's Avatar
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    **** a break!!!!!

    I'm sending them to watch the Un-offical Texas State Bird and deleting account.
    To err is human, to forgive is divine. Neither of which is Marine Corps policy

  4. #24
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    Not me.

  5. #25
    Community Member akiraproject24's Avatar
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    already cancelled the sub...the d bags that run this game are priceless....god bless ya!
    Pimpin toons since 2006

  6. #26
    Community Member zztophat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dylos_Moon View Post
    I've already been on break
    This, I haven't played since the 26th, I'm just waiting to see how everything pans out before I start playing again.

    If the changes somehow make the game less fun then I'm going to quit.

    But I do plan to give away all my stuff before I do so, hey, at least my guildies have something to look forward too if the game goes belly up.

  7. #27
    Community Member Stormwine's Avatar
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    Well as I am a WAY Casual player and its my 2nd game Ill keep playing as much as I have been.
    Pinotnoir Drinksalot

  8. #28
    Community Member stz's Avatar
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    Surely some of the changes are unnecessary and questionable, but Ill still be here.
    As much as I want to find one, there isnt a better game out there for me than ddo atm. So gl on finding one :-)

  9. #29
    Community Member xman26's Avatar
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    This is what happens when a company aligns itself with a company like ATI. everyone gets screwed. J/k, ATI had nothing to do with it, Turbine just sucks.
    Server: Thelanis Name: Treadwolf Guild: Storm Lords Level: 10/TR Raistlynwolf -18th lvl Wizzy, Testwolf- 17th Rog/Ftr(13/4), Caramonwolf, Capped Ftr, W T H, Capped 12/6/2 Ranger/Fighter/Monk. Taniswolf 17 Monk C2Q6600@3.0 8GB DDR2 250GB/Win7U 64bit, 80GB/VistaU 64bit eVGA GXT260OC eVGA 780i FTW 24" widescreen HD HDCP

  10. #30
    Community Member tomfar72's Avatar
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    Nah, I'm not going anywhere. Then again, I haven't been around too long, and if I had spent alot of time grinding for things and then those things got nerfed, I'd be pretty mad too. As far as the nerfs to TWF and THF, they honestly don't bother me that much. Both are taking a hit, which will have the effect of lessening the difference between TWF/THF and S&B and even archery.
    Buff Rock, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine.

  11. #31
    Community Member ddoplayer064's Avatar
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    /not signed. Seen too much power creep in other games. This is over-all, a good thing.
    [This space intentionally left blank]

  12. #32
    Community Member Natulyre's Avatar
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    Why would i leave for nerfs, hell, bring em on! I've been on a break for a while, waiting for update 5, now that we've seen some info about it I can't wait for june 28th. It looks like a super awesome update so far

  13. #33
    Community Member pumagirl418's Avatar
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    Thumbs down agreed

    I've been off a lot because of RL. Taken breaks before because of turbines lack of customer care. This time may be the final straw to walk away for good.

    So, I would like to thanks Turbine for blaming the players and punishing us for their miserly ways in DDO.
    Confused over that statement.
    Turbine continuously blames players for issues in the game. lag or exploiting mechanics they implimented.
    Turbine took away from DDO to give to LOTRO. And has never upgraded the servers to adequately cover its population since.

    so i have two words for turbine.
    play the blame game w/ customers and don't act suprised when customers take money elsewhere!

  14. #34
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    No. It's not. Just like WoW wasn't. Just like EQ/DAoC/UO wasn't (deaths due to age and infirmity, but not nerfing)

    99 out of 100 "I WILL QUIT!!!!111111oneoneone" people don't. At least not for what they claim. MMOGs are about churn. People quit playing. New people start. It's why the average age is significantly below "has a job and kid"

    Although it would be nice if they stopped wasting time making pointless content like guild housing.

  15. #35
    Community Member Dcurd's Avatar
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    Would everyone hate me if I said I was really looking forward to update 5 now?

    One thing as a new player that has bugged me about this game is the balance is kind of . . umm nonexistant? Well if you judge by forums that is.

    It boggles me the massive massive volumes of cruft on the forums: TWF Khopesh is only way to go, and you're gimp if you're anything else. THF was the only one that came close and most people calculated much lower dps (careful to play against THFs strengh of glancing blows).

    And yet despite as close to a unanimity as you can get on the forums, everyone was surprised it was being nerfed, and started arguing the THF was already better then twf. Then there was another near unanimity that THF was superior solely because of SoS, and how ridiculous it was.

    SoS gets nerfed. Enter more shock and surprise and claims that sos was fine and others should have been buffed instead.

    I'm just giggling mightily because despite all the claims of this being a big nerf update, I've seen more buffs then nerfs with all the new prestiges, epic item adjustments, spells, feats. I get the whole buffs are better then nerfs philosophy, but when there is one, and only one dominant player, and the others are on equal footing, you nerf the leader to be closer. It causes less balance problems then buffing a ton of items at once and creating some out of control power vacuum.

    Either way I continue to be amused by the drama and doomsaying. Please continue dear forums, with no sarcasm I do love and hate you dearly

  16. #36
    Community Member MarcusCole's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spiffyspiffy View Post

    No. It's not. Just like WoW wasn't. Just like EQ/DAoC/UO wasn't (deaths due to age and infirmity, but not nerfing)

    99 out of 100 "I WILL QUIT!!!!111111oneoneone" people don't. At least not for what they claim. MMOGs are about churn. People quit playing. New people start. It's why the average age is significantly below "has a job and kid"

    Although it would be nice if they stopped wasting time making pointless content like guild housing.
    Thank you for your input.
    Ishamiel ~Rhayak ~ Badhorse ~Kyode ~ Drhorrible ~ Hjealmeh
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    That's pretty awesome. Armor plated earslugs...

  17. #37
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    Waiting on the full release notes. My sub renews in a few days, if I don't hear anything, it gets canceled. My wife's too.

    Needed some free time for when Starcraft 2 comes out next month anyway.

  18. #38
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    You know what I find most disturbing about all these changes....the new EU layout......vets probably only have half the power if even to threaten DDO into making changes more suitable.

    Now Turbine has WB support and a whole entourage of new players who don't know what half of this stuff means and will keep playing and paying because all this stuff is like greek to them......if in fact they don't speak greek....pardon the pun.

    They would never do such a massive nerf if they knew they didn't have the backing to get away with it, and obviously now they do.

    So basically Turbine has taken thier unique game model, enticed a bunch of new players and made is feasibly possible to oust all the vets who used to be a thorn in the side to their a stab in the back!

    What really annoys me is my Lama launcher is all screwy and I can't even go on to test it.

    Been thinking about this for a while and realized, even with the nerf this game will still be cool probably, but when they went F2P and went with WB we basically lost our game....basically we get to keep a lot of our stuff but emotions and perceptions of the way this game used to be need be erased if any vets plan on continuing.

    It's a new day for DDO....I don't think anything is going to change that.
    Last edited by vVAnjilaVv; 06-02-2010 at 11:37 PM.

  19. #39
    Community Member oberon131313's Avatar
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    I survived (and enjoyed) pre-CU, CU, and NGE. This nothing compared to those....
    Adumbrate, Sienn, Selket, Synaxis, Ognwe-, Halpin, Sivva, Bigstick, Jemus, Colichemarde
    Quote Originally Posted by Gunga
    His pant muscles aren't as big as ours...

  20. #40
    Community Member suitepotato's Avatar
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    I rarely play anymore compared to when I started, and Turbine has given me less and less reason to bother. I fully understand the leaving of all those who went before, and sadly, Turbine doesn't and doesn't care. Their only goal is to make people unhappy, like bullies pushing down smaller kids, because they can get away with it.

    Seriously Turbine, the thing you most came away with from the whole Atari deal was a better idea of how to show total disregard to those paying you.

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