This is quite frustrating and I'm definatly considering another extended break from the game if these nerfs go into effect. Just wondering Who else is feeling the same way. Will these nerfs push you over the edge?
This is quite frustrating and I'm definatly considering another extended break from the game if these nerfs go into effect. Just wondering Who else is feeling the same way. Will these nerfs push you over the edge?
The changes are a clear indication they really don't know what they're doing. The massive amount of bugs, including crash bugs, that have been hanging around show they don't care. It's time to find a different game.
i definitely will quit. they are making a lot of pointless changes. timer tracker, completions tracker, search engine, puzzle solver, xp table
My toons on Argo: Salade TR2 Wiz20, Speedo ESoS Fighter, MangoSalade TR2 Wiz18/Mnk2, EvaHealer Clr18/Mnk2
Nope. I'm in the vocal minority, that I know, but these upcoming nerfs won't drive me away.Originally Posted by MarcusCole
Server - Thelanis
/signed, stamped, and notarized.
Hope Turbine reads my $$$ dumped on this game for the past time this thing went F2P.
I’ll stay. Some of this re-balancing stuff is a work in progress and I would rather keep providing feedback. But, I wouldn’t blame people who left.
Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
- Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
- Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
- Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
- Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
- Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.
I take it back I think I will enjoy the bugs and the chaos that is going to happen.
Last edited by Hydro; 06-02-2010 at 11:32 PM.
Im done if all of my grinding and farming turns to nothing.
Screw you Turbine for making these pointless changes.
Three words: Cleric. Prestige. Enhancement.
So no, I'll be staying - but then, I am biased.
Those are not pebbles surrounding the urn filled with Human teeth. They are megaliths!
Not gonna leave but I can still say whatever the heck i want about this stupid **** Turbine is servin.
Teth - Ascendance
Old School n00b that used to be pretty good at the game.
i'm sticking around
i don't go for flavor of the month builds and then gets heart broken when my characters get neutered
PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
less buffing, more nerfing!!!
to make it easier for those of you that wants to avoid me in game, all my characters are in "Bladesworn Mercenaries"
I will wait and see what the game play is actually like. Does not seem like a big deal to me, but then if I no longer have fun playing I will move on to something else.
I've been a TWF fan since the beginning. I will try it out, if I feel it's a nerf too far and it looks like staying I will probably take a few months break and checkback then.
I've played MMO's since EQ1 came out in '99, and I've only ever quit one once because of a nerf, and in that case it was a major combat nerf in a game that had no respecs. This is even worse in my opinion, I spent a lot real $ buying character slots, tomes, etc to make the characters I wanted, then they just decide to change the definition of the feats? I can honestly say, this is the only time I ever felt like I got ripped off by a MMO.
I'll still be here. nerfs don't scare me away.
Ghallanda: Neatoelf15wiz/1rgr, Neetoelf17wiz, NeatoManhuman13rog/6pal/1mnk, NeatoHombrehuman12ftr/6pal/2rog, Kneetoedwarf17clr, Kneedoughdrow18clr/2mnk
Minimize expectations and you'll never be disappointed