What THF weapon now betters the eSoS? What are you going to respec to? Calling the eSoS useless is a bit of an exageration. If its not an exageration, then answer that question truthfully.
The only case where mineral 2 even comes close, is due to needing a DR breaking weapon. It passes eSoS up on some elite raid bosses. It did even before the nerf.
Case scenario - if they dont nerf it...
Then when the power creep that the eSoS caused continues, and the new bees knees weapon comes out that all the "must havers" gravitate to, and the glorious DPS spreadsheets show that this new weapon is better, you would have to respec anyhow if you wanted to get one. each and every time the power creep continues to put a better weapon into the game, its basically an LR for many fighters.
This is a reality for fighters, and always has been, and the eSoS nerf has nothing to do with it.
Choosing not to make it a power creep was the right thing to do. The only thing that would have been better would have been to not introduce a weapon with such powerful stats in the first place, that by far made it the most powerful weapon in the game.