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  1. #21
    Community Member xAlistairx's Avatar
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    Maybe I'm just lucky, but I haven't found anyone worthy of squelching, and being an awesome guy, I'm almost 100% sure I've never been squelched. I just have remarkable patience for people completely ignoring my warnings and apologizing afterwards. I usually take their stone and think nothing of it. The only person I've met who wasn't a swell guy was one who flipped out when someone walked ahead, then he died and nerd-raged about no one healing him (we didn't have a cleric or favored soul so...dunno) and signed off.

  2. #22
    Community Member Rydin_Dirtay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mithran View Post
    After which Kittib (not his real name, for the record) informed me that he'd squelched me and told me where I should take my soul, after death.
    One thing I find about Raiyum is that many new players do not have the patience it takes to complete that quest. Levels 1-11 for them were relatively easy, but Raiyum requires patience and takes time, especially if you don't split up and speed it, which a new player would not do.

    Why do many new players lack patience and persistance? This is beyond me, but I have seen it 1,000 times in the last 7-8 months. Something goes bad, they give up. Something takes too long, they ask in chat, "Does anyone know where they're going?". Answer: yes we do. This quest requires a lot of 'wandering around' if you want to call it that.

    Was this Kittib person (not his real name, for the record), one of the people whose stone was left?

    If yes, he still has no call to be like that, it was his own fault.

    If no, then I'm really curious as to his mindset.
    Khyber:Greenberry, Jemric, Qashta, Leuk, Thurradal + many others

  3. #23
    Community Member Rydin_Dirtay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buggss View Post
    I'd consider ignorant as unWILLING to learn and unwilling to accept any (new) advice.
    Then you'd be wrong, man

    That word is commonly misunderstood and misused though. That's why people get upset when you call them ignorant. Well, you're not calling them stupid. You're merely calling them uninformed. Big difference.
    Khyber:Greenberry, Jemric, Qashta, Leuk, Thurradal + many others

  4. #24
    Community Member gwlech's Avatar
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    I won't pug wiz king anymore. Dungeon scaling makes it easier anyway, and half the time most of the group is under equipped for it and/or don't follow directions.
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  5. #25
    Community Member twiliteslayer02's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rydin_Dirtay View Post
    Then you'd be wrong, man

    That word is commonly misunderstood and misused though. That's why people get upset when you call them ignorant. Well, you're not calling them stupid. You're merely calling them uninformed. Big difference.

    If you had read it correctly you would have seen that i did say ACTIVELY ignorant, for lack of a better term it quantifies what my true meaning meant better than most others. ANYONE can be temporarily ignorant to anything, but to be actively ignorant you are fighting against it thru stupidity and stubborness, and proving nothing to anyone except that you are, in fact stupid AND ignorant, and thus counterproductive to normal progress on any level.

  6. #26
    Community Member Rydin_Dirtay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by twiliteslayer02 View Post
    If you had read it correctly
    I was agreeing with you, so I'm not sure why you quoted me. I think you meant to direct your post at Bugsss.
    Khyber:Greenberry, Jemric, Qashta, Leuk, Thurradal + many others

  7. #27
    Community Member Rydin_Dirtay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gwlech View Post
    I won't pug wiz king anymore. Dungeon scaling makes it easier anyway, and half the time most of the group is under equipped for it and/or don't follow directions.
    I hear you. They don't have anything that hurts the Clay Golems, and get owned right there.
    Or they wander ahead, and get locked into a room to solo some skellys and mummies.
    Khyber:Greenberry, Jemric, Qashta, Leuk, Thurradal + many others

  8. #28
    Community Member Mithran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rydin_Dirtay View Post
    Was this Kittib person (not his real name, for the record), one of the people whose stone was left?

    If yes, he still has no call to be like that, it was his own fault.

    If no, then I'm really curious as to his mindset.
    I couldn't speak to his motives, apart from the entitlement many people in pugs feel to being waited upon. His was one of the stones that was left behind. I indicated to him twice that he needed to be in the room for the mummy fight.

    Rather than continuing to wait for him to break boxes, the four of us engaged the boss, shutting him out. The other whose stone was left was the original leader of the party, who refused to follow directions repeatedly given.
    The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. - Sun Tzu

  9. #29
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mithran View Post
    The other whose stone was left was the original leader of the party, who refused to follow directions repeatedly given.
    I wonder if that's why he got so stubbon in ignoring you? And maybe Mr Squelcher was his friend?

    If I get into situations like that I normally just go passive and let them work it out on their own (or not as the case may be).

    Although I did get grumpy in part 5 of a Shroud once. After not speaking for the whole group, putting up with the typical boys locker room back chat and normal **** and ignored typed commands (which were seconded by the person with the star who was also ignored while they chattered on) it was fairly liberating to speak firmly into my mic about what was required.

    Dead silence.



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  10. #30
    Community Member unscythe's Avatar
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    Yeah I hate pugs were no1 is responding that they got the instructions when they are new. Plus when they do not respond it is a good inidicator of them ignoring you or not understanding. I give some time to confirm, and if they are new and unwilling to learn, then give them the boot and move on.

  11. #31
    Community Member Jay203's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aussieee View Post
    I am amused that you still have the patience to bring people and hold their hand. Bow to you sir.
    aussiee, you know they'd be lost without us
    they'll be hopeless and will ruin our Khyber name!!
    PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
    less buffing, more nerfing!!!
    to make it easier for those of you that wants to avoid me in game, all my characters are in "Bladesworn Mercenaries"

  12. #32
    Community Member Sogrin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MeliCat View Post
    I wonder if that's why he got so stubbon in ignoring you? And maybe Mr Squelcher was his friend?

    If I get into situations like that I normally just go passive and let them work it out on their own (or not as the case may be).

    Although I did get grumpy in part 5 of a Shroud once. After not speaking for the whole group, putting up with the typical boys locker room back chat and normal **** and ignored typed commands (which were seconded by the person with the star who was also ignored while they chattered on) it was fairly liberating to speak firmly into my mic about what was required.

    Dead silence.



    how do i subscribe?
    Shortling (20 rogue) wither others leveling. "One Dwarf Army"
    Quote Originally Posted by Bobthesponge View Post
    well a clown getting violated by a rabid duck may be sillier, but not by much.

  13. #33
    Community Member Redgar's Avatar
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    You know I was thinking of this very post last night when I ran Rainbow.

    Have a fighter with some level's of caster join the party. He pulled so much agro we received the Red alert. Good thing he was no where near the dungeon. He died, recalled, and filled to mabye half and ran back out. The party leader asked him if he was giong to shrine and the person replies, "Are we going to do this or not." I sent a tell to the party leader that we should drop him, but he went in to quickly.

    First set of Devils, he dies, the bard picked him back up.. I was cleric and was not healing him. I planned to keep him in my pocket. He asked why he died and was told that zerging in front never works. He replies "That is what you do in here zerg and Firewall." To which I replied, "Do you have firewall" impling that he did not put the party together and should not tell the rest of us how to play.

    Jumping part starts and he dies. He starts to complain so I /squelch. Apprently he was talking about my comment because the party leader asked if I was there. I stated yes but the guy was already on my ignore list . He dropped group and we finished smooth and in record time for my cleric.
    Once you go Dwarf you will never go back

  14. #34
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Some years ago when they put a limit on the number of people you can have squelched (I dunno how many, around 500?)

    I think I had way over the limit.. It took me several hours of removing people so I could add a new one. Was really annoying.

    Wish they'd up the limit.

  15. #35
    Community Member Mithran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Some years ago when they put a limit on the number of people you can have squelched (I dunno how many, around 500?)

    I think I had way over the limit.. It took me several hours of removing people so I could add a new one. Was really annoying.

    Wish they'd up the limit.
    There are a lot of people I've /Squelched that are gone from the game, now. I try to remove them all, from time to time.

    It's hard to say how many times I've run Raiyum on different characters, but I'm at the end of my patience since I ran it Epic once and people wouldn't listen in that run. Those of us who were here for the original +1 Loot Weekends of years ago ran The Chamber of Raiyum innumerable times on those weekends because there were proportionately a really high number of chests. Later (when we had to rerun it over and over again for flagging), we'd split up because the Phylactery would appear in everyone's inventory no matter where they were in the desert and Chains of Flame was the quest that was the most time consuming. I'd solo Raiyum (or someone else would), and everyone else would clear Chains.
    Last edited by Mithran; 06-04-2010 at 09:44 AM.
    The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. - Sun Tzu

  16. #36
    Community Member muffinlad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buggss View Post
    Um... well they're the dictionary definitions and like a lot of words they don't mean the same as in MMO's. I'd consider ignorant as unWILLING to learn and unwilling to accept any (new) advice.
    I see where you are coming from, but I think that word is "Obstinate".....but the word silly also comes to mind when I meet those folks. And we all do!

    Now Diving in Lava, with the Lava Divers.

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  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Some years ago when they put a limit on the number of people you can have squelched (I dunno how many, around 500?)

    I think I had way over the limit.. It took me several hours of removing people so I could add a new one. Was really annoying.

    Wish they'd up the limit.
    I think a better solution might be to reverse-squelch anyone who hits the limit. "I'm sorry, you have reached your squelch limit and will now have all outgoing text and speech squelched for the benefit of the server".

    It's like I told my stepmother, who will swear up and down that everyone is absolutely looney... which do you think is more likely: that everyone you know is crazy, or that you're crazy?

    She didn't like that.

  18. #38
    Community Member Rabbi_Hordo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mithran View Post
    Running Raiyum Normal with five who had never completed it, a little while ago.

    I gave verbal instructions on how to avoid pulling aggro both verbally and in typed chat (multiple times). The two who strayed away from the main group and were killed were left behind. When I asked one if he could read English, he mysteriously disconnected.

    When the four who had stayed with me (and who were still alive) and I finished the quest, I thanked everyone both verbally and in Party Chat, finished out and recalled to Zawabi's Refuge. After which Kittib (not his real name, for the record) informed me that he'd squelched me and told me where I should take my soul, after death.

    If you're new, listen to or read the directions the veteran in the group provides. If you don't, be prepared to miss out on the chests at the end. If you do miss out on the chests after repeatedly refusing to follow directions, don't expect me to go out of my way to enable you. If you do and are insulted anyway, your Squelch will only find me amused.

    I am Hordo...and I approve this message. +1

  19. #39
    Community Member Rabbi_Hordo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Some years ago when they put a limit on the number of people you can have squelched (I dunno how many, around 500?)

    I think I had way over the limit.. It took me several hours of removing people so I could add a new one. Was really annoying.

    Wish they'd up the limit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Strakeln View Post
    I think a better solution might be to reverse-squelch anyone who hits the limit. "I'm sorry, you have reached your squelch limit and will now have all outgoing text and speech squelched for the benefit of the server".

    It's like I told my stepmother, who will swear up and down that everyone is absolutely looney... which do you think is more likely: that everyone you know is crazy, or that you're crazy?

    She didn't like that.
    There is the possibility of a dramatic, Khyber-esque argument here, but alas....

    The /squelching /squashing /quashing and /kvetching have resulted in a paradox: neither can see the other's posts!

    So is this the Khyber version of Shroedinger's cat? If I offer a drama-worthy post, and you offer a drama-worthy retort, but neither of us can see the others posts do we still have drama?

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbi_Hordo View Post
    There is the possibility of a dramatic, Khyber-esque argument here, but alas....

    The /squelching /squashing /quashing and /kvetching have resulted in a paradox: neither can see the other's posts!

    So is this the Khyber version of Shroedinger's cat? If I offer a drama-worthy post, and you offer a drama-worthy retort, but neither of us can see the others posts do we still have drama?
    How would you offer a retort if you didn't know what it said? Oh, I know...

    Hi Welcome
    Last edited by Inkblack; 06-04-2010 at 12:51 PM.

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