I still really enjoy showing new players through most quests. I'm aware my start date looks like I'm new too but I've played since before launch in EU so I know what I'm on about.
If in future vets want to give their time to help may I make one suggestion?
As soon as you've realised the group's "new" and assuming you choose to stay ASK if they're willing to accept advice and pointers. I've always found this side-steps problems later. As was said above some people would rather not find out the whole quest as they go through it. Believe it or not everyone doesn't have the game commited to memory yet and want to discover it themselves.
I really wish someone would invent a safe memory-wiping gizmo, imagine being able to forget the whole of DDO and start again. What WW would look like all over again totally new!
So, the point of the post: Ask if the group wants "Vet" help before giving it, it helps, trust me.