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  1. #61
    Founder Potvin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sabvre View Post
    why do you keep negative repping me bobby... i didn't say anything bad or inappropriate... especially in the post you pegged.... just because i am TRYING to understand something doesn't mean i said something inflammatory...
    LOL, so now you're admitting you're completely clueless, after ripping people who understand the game better for this entire thread.

    Stabbius Maximus, halfling rogue returning after like 12 years.

  2. #62
    Community Member Jamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MCPeePants View Post
    And with the ki generation we'll be capable of in the new update I'll be stacking those up nicely. I might even mix in the occasional 60 second blur, but that's just gravy to let 'em know who daddy is.

    And when you think about it, I'm only a -light- monk. All you dark monks, wait till they find out you can run on water like that guy from Remo Williams. Because who doesn't want -that- in their raid group?
    Ki generation from the update? Whats that? Did I miss something that might actually be beneficial?

  3. #63
    Community Member Jamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirTeo View Post
    Okey, my English knowledge isn't that great, and I'm having a hard time understand really what this is all
    about. I have one question, which would mean a lot if I could a staight simple yes or no answer, would appriacte it a ton.

    After the new changes with monks, will my light path (pure) lvl 20 monk, using windstance and mostly handwraps except when I'm using kama vorpals. Will this make a huge difference for me? I dont concentrate on dmg, mostly
    attack speed, many hits per sec.

    I'll make my second tr soon and will go pure monk again, but I dont want dump class on my only 36 point build.

    Currently, without windstance or haste speed increases, you swing ~180 times a minute. Following the patch, you will swing ~162 times a minute. All other TWF builds will be similarly impacted. Additionally, weighted handwraps are apparently being severely nerfed, to the point of probably being pointless. To me this is more of a blow than the speed decrease, which at least affects a lot of other classes (misery loves company). In exchange for these nerfs are a bug fix to weighted handwraps that will add the percentage to your stunning fist activity, an amazingly crappy light path pre, and a potentially useful extra light path strike (+5 to attack and skill).

    Up to you to decide if you're now in a 'dump' class, and which class you'd enjoy more. I would definately hold off on that TR till you find out.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamma View Post
    Currently, without windstance or haste speed increases, you swing ~180 times a minute. Following the patch, you will swing ~162 times a minute. All other TWF builds will be similarly impacted. Additionally, weighted handwraps are apparently being severely nerfed, to the point of probably being pointless. To me this is more of a blow than the speed decrease, which at least affects a lot of other classes (misery loves company). In exchange for these nerfs are a bug fix to weighted handwraps that will add the percentage to your stunning fist activity, an amazingly crappy light path pre, and a potentially useful extra light path strike (+5 to attack and skill).

    Up to you to decide if you're now in a 'dump' class, and which class you'd enjoy more. I would definately hold off on that TR till you find out.
    Why is it also we have to use 15ki to stunning fist with a feat and stunning blow requires what to activate again........15 ki isn't alot but it is still a requirement for an ability we pay for with a feat and a noncombat stat dc associated with it to make effective.

  5. #65
    Community Member bobbryan2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zealous View Post
    If haste effects stacked additively this would be true. However, haste effects stack multiplicatively with diminishing returns due to overhead. Thus the bonus of 10% speed increase is in reality only ~8%.

    So It's a 12%, not 15% decrease.

    Moreover, all other 2wf looses 20% off hand so the only relevant thing is the 8%->5% change for wind IV.

    Meanwhile 2h twitch gets hit harder due to removal of glancing blows as well as nerf to eSOS, thus proxy buffing monks.

    Finally, several monk abilities previously only applying to main hand, with the loss of the off hand hook, now apply to both main and off hand. Not to mention that double strike will benefit ki based attacks more than attack speed do. This is a major improvement.
    First of all.. if they stack mulplicatively, then haste is only 14.5% instead of 15%. So... 9.5% instead of 10%. We are starting to get a little silly in how in depth we're getting.

    Wind IV no longer gets any offhand bonuses, so it's still a 20% hit there. And it's a full 20% hit for monks, unlike all other classes that only get half their strength bonus to offhand attacks.

    Double strike does benefit ki attacks. You're correct on that. However, how much of it have you tested. Eladrin admitted that ToD was coded differently and may not spawn a doublestrike. If you've tested it... then cool, that's one thing going in our favor. That being said, double ToDs would only add about .96 damage per swing... far more than is being lost with the speed hits.

    And the eSOS and glancing blows nerf would only be a proxy buff if those fighting styles were clearly superior to monks. And if we admit that... then there was no need to rebalance them in the first place.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamma View Post
    Ki generation from the update? Whats that? Did I miss something that might actually be beneficial?
    Only my sarcasm, which is not usually considered beneficial

  7. #67
    Founder Drakos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sabvre View Post

    According to that thread STWF has been added to the game. for the cost of 1 feat you can get your 100% offhand back.
    To many people argued against it so STWF won't be in when it goes live.

  8. #68
    Founder Drakos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sabvre View Post
    I understand that you do not get a feat at level 20... if you did this wouldn't require a feat swap in the first place...

    What i don't get... is why can't you swap the feat you get at a lower level for STWF when you hit level 20?
    What you are continuing to miss here is the when you do a feat swap the system compaires the prereq's against you stats at the level where you received the feat being swapped. So since the last feat gained was at level 18 then the system checks for what your stats were at level 18 to see if you qualified.

  9. #69
    Community Member Creeper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soleran View Post
    Why is it also we have to use 15ki to stunning fist with a feat and stunning blow requires what to activate again........15 ki isn't alot but it is still a requirement for an ability we pay for with a feat and a noncombat stat dc associated with it to make effective.

    Stunning blow also requires a feat.

    Stunning blow = DC 10 + Str mod
    15 second cooldown

    Stunning fist = DC 10 + half monk level + Wis mod
    6 second cooldown

    Does that answer your question?
    Last edited by Creeper; 06-03-2010 at 04:24 PM.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Creeper View Post
    Stunning blow also requires a feat.

    Stunning blow = DC 10 + Str mod
    15 second cooldown

    Stunning fist = DC 10 + half monk level + Wis mod
    6 second cooldown

    Does that answer your question?
    Sorry I knew the answer, I meant for that to be rhetorical.

    I was more concerned with the fact Stunning fist requires 15 ki and stunning blow requires none even if there is a discrepancy with cool downs.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soleran View Post
    Sorry I knew the answer, I meant for that to be rhetorical.

    I was more concerned with the fact Stunning fist requires 15 ki and stunning blow requires none even if there is a discrepancy with cool downs.
    Of course you did, and I was trying to explain to you the balancing reasons why stunning fist requires ki and stunning blow does not require ki.

    It's not just about "discrepancy with cool downs" as my previous post explained in bold type.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Creeper View Post
    Of course you did, and I was trying to explain to you the balancing reasons why stunning fist requires ki and stunning blow does not require ki.

    It's not just about "discrepancy with cool downs" as my previous post explained in bold type.

    Why, because we have a static mod in regards to our lvl and a noncombat stat?

    I understand they are going to be giving us the weighted boost from wraps now just always curious about the reason we need 15ki still when our ki generation will more then likely go down with the change in twf.
    Last edited by Soleran; 06-03-2010 at 06:27 PM.

  13. #73
    Community Member Creeper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soleran View Post
    Why, because we have a static mod in regards to our lvl and a noncombat stat?

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