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  1. #81
    Community Member Tarnoc's Avatar
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    Default Lag

    i know its because all the dice rolls (d) are creating physics checks from us throwing them at the devs

    so this fixes the lag

  2. #82
    Community Member Deaeth's Avatar
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    I must say, when I first started DDO, I was lost as to what 1d6 actually meant. +1 and +2 on weapons confused the heck out of me.

    I never played PnP. I got into DDO cuz I love RPG's. And this one is awesome.

    All it took was me asking ONE (1) person what this stuff 1d6 and the +'s in front of weapons all meant. Did it still take a little bit for me to get used to, Yes. But now, I love it, it's short and it's very, VERY easy to understand.

    And other posters are right 1d6+5 or whatever, cannot be written as it does 1 to 11 damage; it would be 6 to 11.

    As others have said, KEEP THE DICE DESCRIPTIONS. If you MUST add the "dumbed" down version. I PRAY that you put another box we can uncheck under UI Settings, to disable "dummy text" on item descriptions.

    I would have added rep to a few of your guys posts, but apprantly I have added too much rep in the past 24, so sorry for that guys/gals!

    I'm begging you AS A VIP customer. DO NOT ADD THE "DUMMY DESCRIPTIONS"

  3. #83
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    /roll 1d100



    oh, yeah, that is just so very much better.
    Maybe in blue?


  4. #84
    Community Member carlosjuero's Avatar
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    DM: Turbine, roll a d20 for community acceptance
    Turbine: *rolls d20* uh... *groan*
    DM: Well, what did you get?
    Turbine: Nat 1 *sad*

    While I enjoy the die notations in descriptions, and feel that they add to the D&D feel I have to say 2 things:
    1) Many weapons already have 'straight' damage listed in their description tooltips in parenthesis [i.e. (2-12) 2d6 damage]
    2) This may allow newer players to understand things a bit more, more new players = more money for turbine = more updates for the game.

    Now, before someone decides to hit me with Fireball and crit I want to say that I would rather they have a UI option like: UI Options > Tooltip Display > [ ] Standard D&D stats (Checked by default, unchecked shows 'straight' numbers)

  5. #85
    Founder ddaedelus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ahpook View Post
    ....I will still add that 3-18 is not the same as 3d6. There are probablistic results that are conveyed with 3d6 that is tougher to discern in the dumbed down format....

    And... I am all for better descriptions and applaud your ("you" meaning the devs) efforts. But I think you've missed the mark. The "d" notation is not a significant stumbling block for new players. Yes, occasionally someone will ask, and 50 people will respond, and you'll get a chorus of "Oh! That makes sense," and that was that. Certainly there is never the confusion and argument as there is over some other tooltip notes.

    Also, long-ish sentences in tooltips are bad. People don't read. They want to get their information in a glance. 3d6 does that.

    There are other concepts -- DR, for instance -- which are much more confusing. If you must change a tooltip's notation for clarity, change that one.

  6. #86
    Hero Arlathen's Avatar
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    I don't want to play WoW. Please don't wowify my text.

    Woo. Did I just create a new verb there?

    If you really must put 1-6 into the text instead d6 or D6, beat yourselves mightly with a D&D rulebook first.

    If you really must must absolutely oh god yes put 1-6 in the text, go and pee on Mr.Gygax's grave first.

    Because this is about as sacriligious to me....
    Quote Originally Posted by twinstronglord View Post
    Up to this point we've all been beating around the bush. Lolth has a very small box in which you can hit her.

  7. #87
    Community Member elraido's Avatar
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    I do like the fact that people have brought up the point about the Dice system being a statistical probability that the 2-12 can't convey. It is a bell curve. 2 being at the low point of one end and 12 being at the other low end.
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  8. #88
    Community Member eunucorn's Avatar
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    Default -1 to you Turbine

    I couldn't be bothered to read every single post in this thread but I would like to ad my voice.

    Hate this change.

    Keep the dice as primary description. On low level newbie gear (Korthos stuff) feel free to ad explanatory text. I know it would have saved me a google search when I started out.

    Dice rolling is a cornerstone of this game. Please respect your game.

  9. #89
    Community Member The_Phenx's Avatar
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  10. #90
    Community Member Alleyna's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    I definately do not like this. Like others have said, this is Dungeons and Dragons Online. Keep the Dungeons and Dragons feel!

    Another suggestion - put the description of what a d6 (or d4 or whatever) in a hint box when you first start your toon on Shipwreck Shore with Jeets. As a brand new player to DDO (and MMOs), I read every hint box on my first toon. A good place would be when you talk to Jeets the second time in the camp and he gives you your first weapon, put up the hint box that explains what the "1d6" et al means on the weapon description. Once you explain the fairly simple thing once, you don't have to explain it again.

    Otherwise, as others have said, either put an additional description on the common/low level items or put a link in the description. Better yet, just put it in the game guide or help, since there are so many things that are not intuitive that can (sometimes) be found there that, at least in my experience, you are forced to look there anyway.

    But, really, anything but this.
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  11. #91
    Community Member Qzipoun's Avatar
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    Wordiness, stupidity and non-DnD aside, the X to Y descriptions are just false and misleading when you have multiple dice being rolled... Sure you COULD get Y but that would mean rolling the highest number on each die...

    Let's take "1 to 6" as an example:

    Looking just at the description you'd think you would get a 6 about 1 in 6 times.

    BUT, if the die is actually 2d3 or 3d2 or some crazy thing like that your chance of rolling a 6 is different...

    Edit: yeah yeah, you cant get a 1 anymore either so it wouldn't be 1 to 6 but you ge the point
    Last edited by Qzipoun; 06-03-2010 at 01:05 PM.

  12. #92
    *squish*splash*squish* The_Mighty_Cube's Avatar
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    Let's make sure to keep the feedback within the guidelines if you'd like it to be seen and not devoured instead.
    Do not cross The Mighty Cube!

    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge
    Everyone knows Gelatinous Cubes are Weapons of Mass Digestion.

  13. 06-03-2010, 01:18 PM

  14. #93
    Founder TreknaQudane's Avatar
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    I understand wanting to help new players...

    However if the "DnD Dice" should come first in the description allowing a quick glance to see the effect, then if further explanation is needed you could spell it out... Or require people take basic math before playing.

  15. #94
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    this reminds me though...

    with descriptions being longer, wont that result in MORE lag due to having to load more tekst, apply colloring to it, etc...?

  16. 06-03-2010, 01:34 PM

  17. #95
    Senior Manager
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    Your feedback is being heard, but please keep it within the forum guidelines as the Cube said. Posts using masked profanity, insults against the developers, etc. will be removed with extreme prejudice for their tone, not their content. Thanks.

  18. 06-03-2010, 01:41 PM

  19. #96
    Community Member timewalker's Avatar
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    you know in a update riddled with nurfs, this still sticks out in my mind to be the worst change of the lot, dice are the 1st thing i think of when i think d&d.....well that and sleep depravation after finishing a session at 6am.

    PLEASE do not let this change hit live

  20. #97
    Community Member jadenkorr's Avatar
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    This is Dungeons & Dragons Online. Using die (eg 1d6) in the descriptions is one of the most basic things that help to flesh out the flavour of D&D. If the longer and dumbed-down version is here to stay, then please put 1d6 as the primary description and not as a secondary ''D&D dice'' thing. Die are fundamental to the D&D flavour, that is a fact.

    Honestly, how difficult is it to find out or figure out that 1d6 means 1-6 damage? You would be sacrificing so much flavour, just for a little more, (and unnecessary imo) idiot-proofing of the game. Please dont do this.

  21. #98
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  22. #99


    Quote Originally Posted by Patience View Post
    Your feedback is being heard, but please keep it within the forum guidelines as the Cube said. Posts using masked profanity, insults against the developers, etc. will be removed with extreme prejudice for their tone, not their content. Thanks.
    If the forum filters kick in and cover parts of my post, so be it. You will realize my feelings on the change. (pretty certain I didn't do any name calling against anyone at Turbine.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mockduck View Post
    If this change remains, I'll be asking for the bolded bit to become a part of my signature...
    As will it become part of mine.

  23. #100
    Community Member Sylvurdragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Salsa View Post
    At least reverse it, have the D&D text first and the 1 to 6 as a note at the bottom.

    I agree with this option whole heartedly. This is a D&D game...I understand the need to cater to the non-D&D folk...but seriously...1d6 or 2d6 is not rocket science. Lets keep the die rolls, or at least put the die rolls before anything else. This goes with release notes...

    Every time someone says 1 to 6 damage a giant eats a kobold. Please stop the senseless need for kobold killing...its barbaric people!
    Sylvursoul - Half-Elven Favored Soul of the 22nd Circle
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  24. 06-03-2010, 01:56 PM

  25. 06-03-2010, 01:57 PM

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