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As other's have said, damage ranges are statistically inaccurate. The chances of rolling
3 x 1 (or 3 x 6 in a row) in a row (in the case of 3d6) is infinitesimal smaller than rolling any other number combination. This also deceives the new player to think each damage roll has an uniform chance of being between 3-18 which I honest to God hope it's NOT the case behind the scenes. Each 1d6 needs to be uniform probability, but the whole roll better not be.
This change makes the texts way harder to read imo. I like it way more the DnD way it's now. Easier to read and DnD. Please don't change this, it looks horrible.
Genius! You just fixed the Lag problem for DDO. Don't roll dice for damage at all! 1d6? NO the new damage is 3! 2d6? NO the new damage is 6! this should clear up allot of server lag. Intim 45 + 1d20? NO Intim 55! <take 10 rule for all rolls!>
Just eliminate all the rolls for anything!
This can make it even easier for people who have no idea what Dice are to understand.
/sarcasm off
I wish it was only sarcasm. I'm beginning to get that creepy feeling that they're gonna pigeon hole all sorts of rolls with the excuse of "dice roll lag" so now let's complete the transition to making DDO yet another WoW-clone (with semi-random numbers) out there. Effing brilliant.
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I play at max resolution, and have a 23" widescreen monitor. When I inspect my mineral2 greataxe, the entire description does not fit onto my play screen. How will having two descriptions of the same thing make that better?
Borror0 did a very good job of rewriting the effect descriptions. Follow his advice please
So so freakin lame
1d6 is terminology used in a lot of games besides just ddo/dnd. It isn't exactly hard to learn or understand...
sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana
Ok this change is just flat out hard to read. It simply does not provide enough information in an easy to read format, making it the opposite of whats intended.
I dont want to see 3 to 18 on a greensteel great axe and then have to do mental math backwards to figure out its 3d6, or worse yet 8 to 23 instead of 3d6+5 which is even more complicated. And I dont want to see 1 to 6 per caster level and then have to do mental math to figure out its 20 to 180 for me. Both of those are extra mental steps.
If you want to add straight numbers for people unaccustomed to using #dX fine. But put that underneath at the bottom (preferably with a check box to collapse that part of the description in the options menu), not the other way around.
The vast majority of the user base either already knows how to read die codes or has likely learned. Making all the current users do extra work in case someone new joins is rather backwards thinking, in my opinion. Dont punish the current users by making the entire UI less legible without a way to turn it off or toggle it to the current version. Please.
It's not minor if it's misleading or incorrect. Is 2d6 going to be explained to be 2 to 12? If so that's very misleading. 2d6 does not have the same likelyhood of a 12 being rolled as it does a 7. But 2 to 12 makes it seem like your chances for a 2, a 7, or a 12 are identical. I realize over time it may average the same, but it's still not the same distribution.
Can you please clarify? If it is still operating like a dice roll, then you should eliminate the "2 to 12" language as its misleading and thus will add to confusion, not help it.
Last edited by Patience; 06-03-2010 at 01:45 PM.
~PESTILENCE~Looting's our business and business is good.Officer On Thelanis - Deathseer, Deathslasher, Deathcount, Deathslicer, Deathspinner, Deathsneak, Deathswiper, Deathdoctor
Please do not do this.
This is Dungeons and Dragons Online. Dungeons and Dragons. 36 years of dice rolling. 36 years of tradition.
Back in the day it went from saying "roll the six sided dice" to "roll the d6".
d = dice. The number after the d is how many sides the dice has. It's easy to understand. 3d6 = 3 six sided dice. no problem.
Besides I tough my son basic math and geometry using D&D dice and not only did he learn, he enjoyed it. This in itself was amazing as he doesn't really have a mathematical mind.
I therefore challenge DDO to seize the opportunity to influence the lesser learned and make this world a more educated and productive place![]()
my reason for playing this game instead of others is because i played a lot of d&d before, and the reason i started playing d&d is because i was amazed at all the different sided dice when i was a kid. the d20 is iconic. please dont make it just as a side note.
i like bororo's summarized item description too. there are times when i read a player's or item's description, it's too long to fit in my screen.
I've been shaking my head in amusement at all the doom-mongering about nerfs and quitting but I really don't like the thought of them changing '1d6' to anything else, for all the reasons that everyone has.
Turbine please don't do it.
All of Company of the Black Dragon and all of Warriors of the Wild
Some of the Vagabond Horde and some of the SrTG
All on Khyber
He said there were NO d&d dice, so I'm sorry but I did look and it's still wrong. I see that there aren't any die in any other places (such as maiming and chaotic outsider bane) and I agree it should be put back to the original but there is a 1d6 on that description next to damage.
ivé been trollling all the nerf QQ hapily all over but...
..this change is dumb. 1d6 is clear as it gets. throw up a tooltip on login:
DDO:EU uses d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20 and d100 dice. in this way a 1d4 means rolling a 4 sided dice (1-4). a 2d4 means rolling two 4 sided dice (1-4 + 1-4 = 2-8). Enjoy.
now, lets repeat after the temko. Do not make descriptions dumber, make them DESCRIPTIVE
saying 1d6+5 = 6-11 damage is right, but also very **** wrong. it's not. it's 1-6 + 5 damage. then applied to all other things like Power attack.
please stop the dumb-useless stuff. make the game mechanics easier to comprehend, not descriptions stupid to read.
As another one noted already.
writing "damage 1-6" instead of 1d6 doesnt make a difference in meaning, but writing "damage 2-12" for 2d6 is misleading, as the damage is not linearily shared about the values, but in a statistical manner with the main probability in the middle (6 in this case)
You are clearly leading the new people on the wrong track with that!
Better idea would be to include a little more text from jeets at the shore when you arrive to tell about dice rolls and their meaning, or other npc's at other places - even some board like those new quest boards describing this would be a lot better.
And come on, someone who cant understand dice notation no matter what, wont be able to get much farther then korthos island anyway as the concept of lvling will be much too complicated for him - especially when looking at feats, abilities, enhancements and classes...