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  1. #221
    Community Member SquelchHU's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wuliman View Post
    Right there...another person who doesn't have it has something to say about it. Of course you don't care if the change is can't lose something you don't have. The fact you don't have one is not my concern, no offense osmand...i've played with you and have my respect. This is about preserving what has already been attained.
    I'm a person that doesn't have it but has something to say about it. However I agree with you in spite of that. Let them have what they worked for. It can act as a memory of when epic was worth running. This also extends to epic ss ring. Which I also don't have.

    As for that disclaimer, that is used on the ESRB because even though the game is rated Teen, someone might still link to inappropriate videos in chat, etc. Against the rules, but people will still do it.

    While it is true that the gameplay itself is likely to change, that isn't what it's referencing.

  2. #222
    Community Member Krag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaxeyu View Post
    You are forgetting that the new version isn't useless. You would still need to have it for max DPS in plenty of situations. Any respectable THF should still do all he can to obtain the weapon.
    It's not like the sword is being removed from the game completely.
    Max DPS in all the situation with neither DR nor stun... That means only against epic Velah.

    Makes sense: farm Velah to be able to farm Velah more efficiently.
    Osmand d'Medani, Stonebearer Eric, Wardreamer

  3. #223
    Community Member Aaxeyu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Durnak View Post
    Greater good? Using these trite statements say nothing.

    The swords main source of ower WAS the crit multiplier. Now look at the difference between the non-epic version and the epic version. 5 extra dmg and to hit and an increase to 5d6 dmg.
    That's quite alot considering that the non-epic version was incredibly overpowered aswell. It was THE weapon of choice until GS came.
    They made the same mistake twice.

  4. #224
    Community Member Aaxeyu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krag View Post
    Makes sense: farm Velah to be able to farm Velah more efficiently.
    Are you new to MMOs by any chance?
    Because that's how it usually goes.

  5. #225
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaxeyu View Post
    Are you new to MMOs by any chance?
    Because that's how it usually goes.
    Indeed. Until the new content comes out and you are now farming epic reaver faster than those individuals who did not farm epic vellah enough...
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  6. #226
    Community Member Krag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaxeyu View Post
    Are you new to MMOs by any chance?
    Because that's how it usually goes.
    No. You usually farm X to be more efficient in Y or be overall more powerful. I.e. you farm Amrath for to be able to contribute in ToD. You run Shroud and ToD to make your toon more powerful in ANY situation.
    Osmand d'Medani, Stonebearer Eric, Wardreamer

  7. #227
    Community Member akiraproject24's Avatar
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    I ground out 2 of em...they are fantastic weapons....on my frenzy the numbers on a natural 19 and 20 arre phenominal however I honestly feel I rack up most of my damage on the 15-18 crits which happen quite often...but yeah im sure ill be using other things now as theyve watered this down....first it was my wop crit rage barbs now my frenzy is taking a hit...I hate you turbine
    Pimpin toons since 2006

  8. #228
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krag View Post
    No. You usually farm X to be more efficient in Y or be overall more powerful. I.e. you farm Amrath for to be able to contribute in ToD. You run Shroud and ToD to make your toon more powerful in ANY situation.
    Right but when you have all that gear and all youre doing is farming the highest end content, then what you are doing is farming it to get items that helps you farm it a little easier.

    In any case, this will not change with the nerf or without it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  9. #229
    Community Member Fomori's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wuliman View Post
    For those people saying that it isn't so bad, or the esos was overpowered, blah, blah, many of you actually have an Esos? How many of you have actually gone through the trouble to get one? 240+ ev6's here and only one SoS shard dropped for me...I have one sword to my name, and to some i'm lucky. How do you like seeing S$^# you've worked for get stripped away from you? The reason why i'm so fumed by this is simple: I went after the sword specifically for what it was able to do. I grinded, grinded, then grinded some more to attain it. I finally found a weapon i could use other than, that was a good day when i made the sword. Now they want to change it, to make up for they're lack of foresight and quality control. If they needed more time to test it, they should have taken the #$^%^#$ time, and come out with a consistant product. If they think its too powerful, fine...i'm more than capable of rolling with the punches. Turbine, or whomever is making these changes...time to shape up and learn from your mistakes. This is your job, this is what you're payed for...if you need time to make proper tests, then take it. I, as well as many others, are tired of working towards an item you set up, just to have the rug pulled from under us with nothing more than, "Whoops, bad for you". Maybe most of you are fine with table scraps, but there are quite a few of us who are not.

    As a side note: If you guys at turbine are dead set on this change to the epic least give those who have worked for the sword a small charity...Allow swords made before the change was annouced to be grandfathered in to the next mod, clean and not our fault you screwed up. At least pretend that our effort, time and mothly dues might mean something.
    I dont have any SoS and I'm still going to comment to you.

    I have the exact same entitlement to having an eSoS as you do to having the prenerf stats, which is ZERO. Even after this takes effect you will still have the item so you have lost nothing in the game. The only thing that may have value to you is your time invested into getting what was needed to make the item. You spent x hours playing the game with the intention of making this item. That was your choice and you were expecting to receive compensation for your time afterward by getting to use the item to achieve other goals. If you did in fact use said item and achieve any of these goals then you were compensated, perhaps not fully per your expectations, but compenstated nonetheless.

    This happens now and again in the real world, especially in the financial markets. You tried to get an edge by being one of the first to get this item, such as an IPO for stocks or futures trading. Just as in the real world not all decisions made, which seemed perfectly reasonable at the time, end up turning out for the best. Sometimes they can be down right catastrophic. At the end of the day it really comes down to you making an informed decision to make the eSoS, knowing that at some point it may no longer be the same experience that it was when you made it. That is not common to you, nor is it common to a video game.

    I'm not saying that you can not, nor should not, be upset or express your discord for those to listen. However to make the rant that you are entitled to have the item, even in the first place, let along with the stats that you feel is appropriate is why I am commenting. Not everyone gets a gold star, not everyone wins a trophy, not everyone gets what they want, and not everyone complains about it constantly.
    Male Fairy: "Dont cry my dear. You know what I do when I'm sad?"
    Felicia Day Fairy: "Look douchy..."

    Quote Originally Posted by mournbladereigns View Post
    Actually, if this Nerf's one of Shade's barb's I doubly support this!

  10. #230
    Community Member airbornerangers's Avatar
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    Thumbs down nerfs

    while i am not as vehement as my fellow guildies about the upcoming changes, I understand turbines need to make money is their sole purpose of being in business. Having said that, I had w/p's and agreed that they were overpowered so did not mind the nerf to them, however not taking hitpoints from monsters made dps options for dex builds almost non-existent! I have learned to deal with it, no problem.
    When greensteal first came out, no dwarf axes were able to be made, ok no problem, took my 2wf w/p dwarf barb and used a feat for khopesh because turbine said they were not sure they were going to introduce dwarf axes into greensteal.
    Instead of new content, they make it epic and say Viola! enjoy the same quests you have been doing for 4 years but harder! Sweet!! Right??
    They make E-SOS a great weapon based on its lvl 8 stats. Ok. Same crit range changed some stats on it, but basically same weapon that when lvl cap was 10 was WAAY OVERPOWERED and make it EPIC!!! Sweet!!!Right???
    Oops quality control didnt see this coming ?
    Same character, nothing changed, still playable, lots of fun and time invested, No Problem!
    Dont post often, am somewhat of a fanboi, or was, now,,,,,,,just mumbling to myself, D3,D3
    Thank you Turbine{Fernando and Kate}for taking the best MMO out there and telling your long time playerbase to lump it, Thank you
    argo thtasselhoff completionist
    khyber gerty lvl 16 cleric mephistoles lvl 16 sorc

  11. #231
    Community Member wuliman's Avatar
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    Default yeah...

    Look, say what you're not telling me anything i don't already know, so knock off the tired lecture. You don't think i know this already?! You can pick apart whatever i say to your hearts content...makes no difference to me. Hell, anyone can say whatever they want when you're hiding behing a viel of internet courage, never really have to answer to it in person. Life isn't fair...I GET IT. This isn't the world market, it's a @#$@$ video game! In here the rules, as much as we like to mirror real life, don't apply. Rules can be changed here, as we all can tell...if the sword can be toned down, then it can remain preserved if they choose so. Maybe in your life you tuck tail and run, or just accept what happens to you without a fight...that's your choice. I'm choosing to say something now because my choice, as well as many others, was taken under false pretense. I believed that after the greensteel transmuting fiasco, that the dev's at turbine would have learned something about quality control, and proper testing of equipment before it went onto the mistake.

    By the way, i don't care if it's still a top notch weapon, and I sure as #@$ don't need to be the first to get the next hot item. The fact remains, the Esos is being slated for change in the negative without so much of a heads up until a couple of days ago. I, as well as MANY others feel swindled. Game went from blackjack to poker while i'm holding a 10/ace off-suit. Like i've said before, i can roll with the punches...but i'm going to sit idly by and just accept this laying down. If you want to settle for second best, more power to ya. My voice will heard or ignored...but at least i tried.

    This wasn't a response to tassy's statement btw...
    Last edited by wuliman; 06-03-2010 at 08:13 PM.
    Gathan, Gathandrial, Vanderan, Ellisa, Thomnas, Garig, Kreall, Eio, Gillfer, Chromo

  12. #232
    Community Member Cetus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wuliman View Post
    Look, say what you're not telling me anything i don't already know, so knock off the tired lecture. You don't think i know this already?! You can pick apart whatever i say to your hearts content...makes no difference to me. Hell, anyone can say whatever they want when you're hiding behing a viel of internet courage, never really have to answer to it in person. Life isn't fair...I GET IT. This isn't the world market, it's a @#$@$ video game! In here the rules, as much as we like to mirror real life, don't apply. Rules can be changed here, as we all can tell...if the sword can be toned down, then it can remain preserved if they choose so. Maybe in your life you tuck tail and run, or just accept what happens to you without a fight...that's your choice. I'm choosing to say something now because my choice, as well as many others, was taken under false pretense. I believed that after the greensteel transmuting fiasco, that the dev's at turbine would have learned something about quality control, and proper testing of equipment before it went onto the mistake.

    By the way, i don't care if it's still a top notch weapon, and I sure as #@$ don't need to be the first to get the next hot item. The fact remains, the Esos is being slated for change in the negative without so much of a heads up until a couple of days ago. I, as well as MANY others feel swindled. Game went from blackjack to poker while i'm holding a 10/ace off-suit. Like i've said before, i can roll with the punches...but i'm going to sit idly by and just accept this laying down. If you want to settle for second best, more power to ya. My voice will heard or ignored...but at least i tried.
    And to expand on this, judging by the logic of some of the guys writing here, any future release that presents some things that are potential game breakers should be regarded as temporary pieces of eye candy. Cuz it'll get nerfed as well.

    Why take advantage of ANYTHING that is released in the future that seems great, when everyone will ***** and complain until its taken down to nothing. Why even level to 20? why even go into epic? why wield anything above masterwork?

    I am seriously considering, for the first time in playing this game, to back away from the **** and wish all my buddies who I've been with for so long a prosperous adventure. Thanks turbine, you are hated very much by me right now.

  13. #233
    Community Member Aaxeyu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Durnak View Post
    Why take advantage of ANYTHING that is released in the future that seems great, when everyone will ***** and complain until its taken down to nothing.
    Seriously, you need to open your eyes. Esos is still here, still powerful.

    If you still don't want to accept that a greatsword that is so good that it's the weapon of choice even for rangers in more or less every situation is overpowered, that is your problem. Ignorance is bliss I guess...

  14. #234
    Time Bandit
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    You might want to take a look at my post here:

    Epic SoS will still have its place, it's just that you'll likely want to have min 2 instead if you're doing shroud/VoD/ToD on hard/elite. So those of you that spent the time grinding for it, you'll still be using it a lot. Just that it won't be permanently in your main weapon slot the way it is now.

    Regarding grinding for it versus grinding for GS, they're rather different situations. GS ingredients are relatively easy to get, from Shroud runs or from Amrath quests. They're also tradeable if you don't have the ones you want, and you get a guaranteed one every time you complete a Shroud run. By comparison, there's relatively few items that you need for an epic SoS. However, the bar for entry into epic VoN is significantly higher than for Shroud or Amrath, since there is a definite DPS pressure since the dragon has fast healing; by comparison, a low DPS group in shroud just means a round 2 in part 4. Thus the bar to getting a shard is significantly higher. The base item also requires the character to actually be in the raid (or run it on non-epic, but that means he won't be getting the other ingredients). So grinding for GS may take a while but after enough time you be more or less guaranteed a GS item of your choice, while you may get on a lot of epic VoN runs but never see that shard or that seal that you need. In short, getting a GS item is a matter of time, and you can start grinding for it earlier; getting the eSoS however is more a matter of luck once you're decently equipped.

  15. #235
    Community Member Zion_Halcyon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Durnak View Post
    And to expand on this, judging by the logic of some of the guys writing here, any future release that presents some things that are potential game breakers should be regarded as temporary pieces of eye candy. Cuz it'll get nerfed as well.

    Why take advantage of ANYTHING that is released in the future that seems great, when everyone will ***** and complain until its taken down to nothing. Why even level to 20? why even go into epic? why wield anything above masterwork?

    I am seriously considering, for the first time in playing this game, to back away from the **** and wish all my buddies who I've been with for so long a prosperous adventure. Thanks turbine, you are hated very much by me right now.
    If you read what I wrote, that is NOT what I am saying at ALL.

    Rather, what I am saying is enjoy the journey to get whatever your "uber item X" is, and once you get it, enjoy the time you have with it, because even if it is nerfed, it does not take away from the joy you had while you had it before the nerf hit. That, and no one is entitled to anything, because everyone has been warned that stuff can and will change. If they wanted to tomorrow they could replace DDO with Candyland, the MMO, and they would be well within their rights to do so. And on the converse end, the customers are entitled to spend their hard earned money elsewhere. And that right there is where the entitlements end on both sides, and any further sense of entitlement felt on either side is based on pure fiction.

  16. #236
    Community Member Fomori's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wuliman View Post
    Look, say what you're not telling me anything i don't already know, so knock off the tired lecture. You don't think i know this already?! You can pick apart whatever i say to your hearts content...makes no difference to me. Hell, anyone can say whatever they want when you're hiding behing a viel of internet courage, never really have to answer to it in person. Life isn't fair...I GET IT. This isn't the world market, it's a @#$@$ video game! In here the rules, as much as we like to mirror real life, don't apply. Rules can be changed here, as we all can tell...if the sword can be toned down, then it can remain preserved if they choose so. Maybe in your life you tuck tail and run, or just accept what happens to you without a fight...that's your choice. I'm choosing to say something now because my choice, as well as many others, was taken under false pretense. I believed that after the greensteel transmuting fiasco, that the dev's at turbine would have learned something about quality control, and proper testing of equipment before it went onto the mistake.

    By the way, i don't care if it's still a top notch weapon, and I sure as #@$ don't need to be the first to get the next hot item. The fact remains, the Esos is being slated for change in the negative without so much of a heads up until a couple of days ago. I, as well as MANY others feel swindled. Game went from blackjack to poker while i'm holding a 10/ace off-suit. Like i've said before, i can roll with the punches...but i'm going to sit idly by and just accept this laying down. If you want to settle for second best, more power to ya. My voice will heard or ignored...but at least i tried.

    This wasn't a response to tassy's statement btw...
    Nope, I choose not to accept your terms.

    I choose not to tuck tail and run. I also choose not to settle for second best because "best" is what you make of it. Its a continuous battle to outwit whatever is thrown at you. If I strive to be the best then only I can tell if I have succeeded or not. I dont need a video game or another persons opinion to tell me that. I am more than the sum of my parts.

    You're like the crying child in the store who's mom wont buy him the toy he wants. His voice will be heard and not ignored as well dammit! He doesnt just sit idly by and accept his fate lying down. No he lets the whole world know that he has been wronged by the powers that be. However that doesnt make the child any less annoying for the fiasco that he just wont shut up about.

    As I said in my previous post, there is nothing wrong with being upset, there is nothing wrong with whining about it. However it doesnt mean that everyone thinks your way and my point of view is just as valid to be spoken as yours.
    Male Fairy: "Dont cry my dear. You know what I do when I'm sad?"
    Felicia Day Fairy: "Look douchy..."

    Quote Originally Posted by mournbladereigns View Post
    Actually, if this Nerf's one of Shade's barb's I doubly support this!

  17. #237
    Community Member ChildrenofBodom's Avatar
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    To me, it seems like Turbine is trying to get us to buy more major pots than we already are....

    Nerf to both the SSR and the bauble and a hit on DPS making epic raids longer thus needing more sp which they are taking away from.

    Turbine's crappy attempt at trying to make more money to me. Don't think it's going to work considering they are going to loose a lot of players, including me. Coule be wrong, it's a dumb move on their part regardless.
    Quote Originally Posted by Handee
    You are the king of Delayed Blast Fireball.

  18. #238


    the current ESoS is the most powerful but not overpowered. there are many situation the esos is useless. holding an esos doesn't guarantee you could outkill anyone. having a party with a few esos doesn't guarantee you could complete a raid smoothly. all it does is increase our dps, but not to a level that make any raid ridiculously easy.

    i organized a all esos raid train before. with 9 esos, we beat the all server record of vod by 1 min only, and not able to break the previous shroud and von6 record.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fomori View Post
    I dont have any SoS and I'm still going to comment to you.

    I have the exact same entitlement to having an eSoS as you do to having the prenerf stats, which is ZERO. Even after this takes effect you will still have the item so you have lost nothing in the game. The only thing that may have value to you is your time invested into getting what was needed to make the item. You spent x hours playing the game with the intention of making this item. That was your choice and you were expecting to receive compensation for your time afterward by getting to use the item to achieve other goals. If you did in fact use said item and achieve any of these goals then you were compensated, perhaps not fully per your expectations, but compenstated nonetheless.

    This happens now and again in the real world, especially in the financial markets. You tried to get an edge by being one of the first to get this item, such as an IPO for stocks or futures trading. Just as in the real world not all decisions made, which seemed perfectly reasonable at the time, end up turning out for the best. Sometimes they can be down right catastrophic. At the end of the day it really comes down to you making an informed decision to make the eSoS, knowing that at some point it may no longer be the same experience that it was when you made it. That is not common to you, nor is it common to a video game.

    I'm not saying that you can not, nor should not, be upset or express your discord for those to listen. However to make the rant that you are entitled to have the item, even in the first place, let along with the stats that you feel is appropriate is why I am commenting. Not everyone gets a gold star, not everyone wins a trophy, not everyone gets what they want, and not everyone complains about it constantly.
    from your rationale, Turbine could make any change to the game randomly and you'll still be happy for that, right?

    they released a product, I spend time and efforts to grind it, and then they make a change. I think this is an unreasonable change. if they think it is overpowered, they should not release it to live server at all.

    Turbine, listen to me, if you let people grind and play with any new cool toys, you can't just take them away without ****ing people off. timer tracker, completions tracker, search engine, puzzle solver, xp table
    My toons on Argo: Salade TR2 Wiz20, Speedo ESoS Fighter, MangoSalade TR2 Wiz18/Mnk2, EvaHealer Clr18/Mnk2

  19. #239
    The Hatchery landona54's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Durnak View Post

    I am seriously considering, for the first time in playing this game, to back away from the **** and wish all my buddies who I've been with for so long a prosperous adventure. Thanks turbine, you are hated very much by me right now.
    I agree with you and Vand 100%. Turbine has upset me very much to wonder what the next nerf will be....FYI I tested out radiant servant on Clerics.....way too powerful....ddo pot sales are going to drop.....probably won't hit the live rollout on June 28th for some unfortunate bug that will appear. Turbine is not my friend atm.

  20. #240
    Community Member Hydro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vanshilar View Post
    You might want to take a look at my post here:

    Epic SoS will still have its place, it's just that you'll likely want to have min 2 instead if you're doing shroud/VoD/ToD on hard/elite. So those of you that spent the time grinding for it, you'll still be using it a lot. Just that it won't be permanently in your main weapon slot the way it is now.

    Regarding grinding for it versus grinding for GS, they're rather different situations. GS ingredients are relatively easy to get, from Shroud runs or from Amrath quests. They're also tradeable if you don't have the ones you want, and you get a guaranteed one every time you complete a Shroud run. By comparison, there's relatively few items that you need for an epic SoS. However, the bar for entry into epic VoN is significantly higher than for Shroud or Amrath, since there is a definite DPS pressure since the dragon has fast healing; by comparison, a low DPS group in shroud just means a round 2 in part 4. Thus the bar to getting a shard is significantly higher. The base item also requires the character to actually be in the raid (or run it on non-epic, but that means he won't be getting the other ingredients). So grinding for GS may take a while but after enough time you be more or less guaranteed a GS item of your choice, while you may get on a lot of epic VoN runs but never see that shard or that seal that you need. In short, getting a GS item is a matter of time, and you can start grinding for it earlier; getting the eSoS however is more a matter of luck once you're decently equipped.
    Wow 19% that link is brutal...

    I really hope my monk fares a little better...

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