My sorcerer likes the sound of that. Looks like I'll be farming eles pretty soon.
Hmm. That allows Hold Person traps. But is the levels 1-3 bit a hard limit or is it just that the recipies for higher level spells haven't been found yet?
So trap DC's scale somehow? Level/DD skill or something?
Alright, can I get a State of the Rogue address here? I've got folks telling me the twf nerf has RUINED rogues FOREVER, but these traps look pretty promising... decent damage, debuff opportunites, and with a high level caster toon those higher level ingredients shouldn't be too hard to put together. I had actually been thinking of rolling a rogue on thel before the nerf news caused the forums to explode.
Edit: Didn't rogues get a new capstone?
Bonus random trap question: do the traps continue damaging enemies after they go off (making it possible to kite enmies through) or are they one-shot?