So my fellow rogues, as soon as i ve learned that U5 was upon us, i run toward the Free Agent vendor and read the guides about trapmaking.
So there are 3 kinds of Traps
1) Grenades
2) Mines
3) Spell Traps
Grenades will be flasks to launch
you need: traps salvages+Vials (Free agent store)+ Fire elementals soul gems+ Syberis Dragonshards
Mines will do damages based on your mechanical Skill (Disable device) and do a little extra if you're mecha speced
you need: Traps salvages+ syberis dragonshards
Spelltraps are based on harmfull spells leves 1-3 (blind, web,hold person...)
you need: Trap salvages+ Spell scrolls (notice the plural)+ Syberys dragon shards
That's the first info i got, i ll let you know what the tests reveal
See you soon