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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Are multiple concordant opposition items worth it?

    Are multiple concordant opposition items worth having for the mana regeneration? I'm planning out two greensteel accessories. Two routes I'm considering:

    Goggles: +5 CHA skills, 300 SP, 10 HP, +6 WIS, concordant opposition
    Bracer/Gloves: +1 CHA skills, Wizardry 6, 35 HP, +6 WIS, concordant opposition


    Goggles: +5 CHA skills, 300 SP, blindness immunity, disease immunity, +6 WIS, concordant opposition
    Head: 45 HP, Heavy Fortification

    Tradeoffs are -1 CHA skill, -1x concordant opposition, -Wizardry 6, +heavy fortification, +blindness immunity, +disease immunity. Wizardry 6 isn't really a loss since I'm aiming for archmagi in another slot. Heavy Fortification is already on Minos Legens, so I'm only gaining +25 HP. I don't expect to have an epic aug slot for Toughness for a while.

    I'm leaning towards option #2 with only one concordant opposition item mainly because I don't know how to deal with blindness immunity and disease immunity in other slots (3 double shard GS accessories is a bit much, I think). I've never had a conc opp item before, so I don't have any reference of how relevant (or pointless) the effect is.

    TL;DR: Is a second concordant opposition effect and +1 UMD worth the losing blindness/disease immunity when you already have one item with concordant opposition?
    Last edited by Carpone; 06-02-2010 at 03:14 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Vorph's Avatar
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    It's been proven that conc opp accessories don't stack. You can have it on weapon + weapon + accessory but the weapon stacking is considered a bug that may or may not ever get fixed.

    Personally, I'm going with goggles as listed above plus a single weapon. Conc opp doesn't play nice with +3 exceptional wis on weapon #2, and the wis is more important to me.

  3. #3
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    I wouldn't even count on weapon stacking with items in the future, although I doubt they'll make any changes until more people craft them.

    If you're determined to craft multiple Conc Opps, the best thing to do is to tell everyone who asks that it was a mistake to do so, and was a waste of ingredients. That might help postpone the day that Turbine decides it's too over-powered and nerf Conc Opp.
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  4. #4
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    I'd say don't do it, as far as I've understood from the forums they DO work atm but the dev's have also stated that in the future it wont. I can't find the post right now but from what I can remember there was something about concordant opposition was the same type of bonus/effect and therefor it should/would not stack. The Torq from Zawabi's and 1 concordant item will stack however (different kinds of bonuses).

    hope that helps.

    Don't argue with a fool because he might be doing the same thing!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Has a developer confirmed that concordant opposition stacking on weapons is a bug?

  6. #6
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    At 2% proc rate CO isn't worth crafting. Getting hit 50 times to get 22 SP back? Surely you can find a better use for the slot.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dazalarian View Post

    I'd say don't do it, as far as I've understood from the forums they DO work atm but the dev's have also stated that in the future it wont. I can't find the post right now but from what I can remember there was something about concordant opposition was the same type of bonus/effect and therefor it should/would not stack. The Torq from Zawabi's and 1 concordant item will stack however (different kinds of bonuses).

    hope that helps.

    Two accessories do not stack currently.

  8. #8
    Community Member Vorph's Avatar
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    2% is wrong; it's 4% chance for SP and a separate 4% chance for HP.

    And yes, Eladrin said that guards should not be stacking with themselves at all, but currently weapon+weapon+accessory does work.
    Last edited by Vorph; 06-03-2010 at 01:17 PM.

  9. #9
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    Glad I made the thread. Goggles with +5 CHA skills, 300 SP, +6 WIS, conc opp, blindness/disease immunity are a no brainer now. Thanks.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vorph View Post
    2% is wrong; it's 4% chance for SP and a separate 4% chance for HP.
    I think 4% is optimistic and even if true, still too low to waste a slot on. Many sources say 1%:

    Regardless, having made a cloak of it and worn it, I can say, save your ingredients or make something actually useful.

  11. #11
    Community Member Vorph's Avatar
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    Those sources are outdated, 4% is straight from Eladrin.

  12. #12
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    The slot consolidation of the standard "blindess/disease immunity, +150 exeptional sp conc opp goggles" is just too much to pass up, regardless of the proc rate. Now whether or not the extra conc opp weapons are worth it is entirely up to debate. Although, even if you're satisfied with their proc rate atm, there's a likely possibility it will be changed in the future.

    For the second accessory, take a look at a tripple earth glove/bracer/cloak (depending on your setup) if you're going for +45 hp. It's pretty cheap, has an amazing guard (earthgrab) with a fairly impressive proc rate, and provides +6 to con skills for the ever useful concentration checks. I've fallen in love with it on all my divines, regardless of their melee/casting focus.

  13. #13
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    Conc-Opp activates all the time. Anyone who claims 1% is off their rocker.

    I love it. Especially dual Sp activations with the Torc. Love those double blues.

  14. #14
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    Last edited by Carpone; 06-05-2010 at 09:40 AM.

  15. #15
    Community Member kernal42's Avatar
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    You might consider putting in the conc opp stuff you plan to always use. If UMD is frequently important to you, then the +cha skills are nice; however you only need the +sp at the beginning of the quest.

    Since I use UMD rarely, I put +30 hp & poison/fear immunity on my conc opp goggles. I have a separate 3x good item with +6 cha skills, +150 elemental sp, and a raise dead clicky (and it's only single-shard) that I equip when needed.

    With this set, I still enter quests with max sp; however during the quest when I wear my conc opp I have +hp/con skills instead, which is much more useful than increasing the maximum of my increasingly depleted blue bar. It's akin to the strategy of equipping magi items at quest entrance, then swapping to useful equipment after buffing.


  16. #16
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    I've done the magi item swapping dance before. More times than I care to count, I've forgotten to requip it at a shrine or before entering a quest. Swapping items may be the most optimal from a game mechanic standpoint, but I honestly loathe the micromangement it requires. I'd rather focus on anything else but that.

  17. #17
    Community Member Danmor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carpone View Post
    I've done the magi item swapping dance before. More times than I care to count, I've forgotten to requip it at a shrine or before entering a quest. Swapping items may be the most optimal from a game mechanic standpoint, but I honestly loathe the micromangement it requires. I'd rather focus on anything else but that.
    That micromanagement is often necessary if you're trying to do more than one thing. After a while you'll get used to it
    For my FvS I went with +45HP Con-Op Cloak and SP goggles with haste clicky. Reason: I got Tharne's Goggles and they're preferable in melee so I only use the goggles for buffing and haste.

    As to the original question: I took the liberty of compiling all Con-Op posts/tests in one thread here
    Quote Originally Posted by DDOTalk71 View Post
    If the melee asks "Why didn't you heal me before I died?", Healer response should be "Why didn't you kill it before you died?"
    Everybody's got the right to be stupid, some just abuse the privilege.

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